Sort of a spin off....What's your hair dream?

using my hand to flip the top of my hair from the right side to the left side like a white girl at apl
I want thick pretty midback length hair so I can rock a rollerset that's flowing/laying on my chest, I want to wear a ponytail at the top of my head that reach armpit or close:D
Dream length:
Full Hipbone-Tailbone straight w/ thick blunt or u-shaped hemline/ends
Full Midback-WSL curly w. shrinkage thick ends
I want to have my ponytail reach WSL straight/ BSL curly.
Enough hair to do the knotted self bun (no hairsticks, no clips) or pontail (even if the ponytail is short)
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My dream hair would be a beautiful apl wash and go. Something like the girl who plays Claire in "My Wife and Kids". I love the curly look she rocks! (Even though hers in much longer)

(That high ponytail you all speak of would be really cute also!)
My hair dream is to moisturize and braid my hair into a brastrap length braid, before I go to bed. When I can do this, I know I will have made it!
My hair dream would to be 100% natural and rock a mid back length wash and go.

My other hair dream is for my hair to be 300% thicker than it is right now, even if it doesn't grow any more, I'll take the thickness and be happy.
To have extremely thick mid back length hair.. I'd be in hair heaven :love: . Even if I can't get to mid back, give me the thickness ;).
I want hair like that super-curly weave that Halle Berry had in her hair for a while. My hair is a little more kinky in texture, but if i could ever get it to that length while curly it would be a dream come true!
my dream is to have such long hair that I have to move it when I sit down. Plus, wear it in one long braid.
Taij said:
I was responding to the random thoughts thread and I mentioned a hair dream of mine. Not a "I was sleeping last night and had a dream" dream. I mean a place you dream of being with your hair.

Like I've had the same dream since high school: I want a long thick braid down my back, reaching to waist length. Since I've joined LHCF, I'm closer to that than ever.

simple. That's all I want....really

anyone else?

My hair dream is not to have any more splits and thicker ends :)
tsmith said:
I want thick pretty midback length hair so I can rock a rollerset that's flowing/laying on my chest, I want to wear a ponytail at the top of my head that reach armpit or close:D

Exactly what she said!!!
effortlessly brastrap/mid-back, blunt ends (no splits), slightly layered, full of body. I'd like my natural wash n go to rest slightly below shoulder length.
i alternate between wanting a mammoth 'fro and drooling over being able to do two lower back braids. I'm type 4(not sure if a or b) with lots of shrinkage and that's going to require a ton of hair for me. I can't even imagine how many years it will take.
my hair dream...

hair 3 inches from waist, dark and glossy, long bangs, blunt ends. When I put it in a ponytail, for it to look really long!
my ultimate dream hair (and i'm sure i've seen it on this board :) ) would be really thick and healthy slightly layered shoulder length or a little below.

thought i would have it by now, but unfortunately it is still just a dream :perplexed