Sorry ladies I couldn't Transition anymore!!


I just got fed up with the whole idea and couldn't do it anymore! I...

I JUST PICKED UP THE SCISSORS AND CUT OFF THE RELAXED ENDS!! I am very happy. Long hair here I come!! Happy hair growing to you all!
Wow, that's what I call an executive decision!:)

Congratulations on the next phase of your hair journey.
Yeah!!! I feel you with the frustration of transitioning!
Congratulations and good luck with your natural hair journey. ;)
Thank you ladies for celebrating with me!!
I will be posting photos as soon as possible. I would need help from all the natural heads here regarding hair styles pls. Once again thanks for all your nice comments.
Congrats Brandy. I was reading the title of this thread and I thought you relaxed your hair, but I was like "Whoa-hoaaa" when I read that you cut it off! That's what I'm tawkin bout guh!

Lets see some pictures.

How long did you transition?

I bet it was a relieving experience!

Happy hair growing and enjoy your natural hair! :antlers:
Girl you see everyone in here askin for pictures. Now where dey be? :D

Congrats on the BC!!! And Welcome Back!!!;)