Sore patches on the scalp


New Member
I have the sore patches on my scalp. They havebeen there for a while, no matter how much i massage my scalp there still there, also how can i get rid of this?


Crissi, x
Are they actual sores (broken, inflamed, irratated skin) or you scalp is just sore/tender/sensitive?
Like so1913 said,

If it's just tender, a little sore when you touch it or sensitive, not to worry. A lot of us get that. I think it's when the new growth is coming in but sometimes when I touch my scalp I'll find a sore spot that hurts when I press down on it.
Eiano said:
Like so1913 said,

If it's just tender, a little sore when you touch it or sensitive, not to worry. A lot of us get that. I think it's when the new growth is coming in but sometimes when I touch my scalp I'll find a sore spot that hurts when I press down on it.

My head feels sore too..I was wondering if it had to do with hair growth.
Well ive never had any chemicals on my scalp(yet), there no marks/broken skin or anything in the sections and the r too smalls sections, not all over my scalp, and my scalps not tender/sensitive, just those parts