Sore headache!!! Is it because of these oils or the vitamin D?


Well-Known Member
I got some garlic oil yesterday to reduce my shedding. The garlic oil contain some other ingredients like labella oil, mullein oil, and olive oil. I never heard of the first two ingredients before in my life. I left it in my hair, but the headache didn't start from there. I also took some vitamin D3 three 500 IU. They're kids chewable, so I thought it wouldn't do no harm. Now I read you can over dose on vitamin D. My head is hurting me like know tomorrow. It's been going on since yesterday.
I have no idea if your head hurts because of the oils/vitamin d(I take 2000 IU of vitamin d per day with no problem) but you may want to contact your doctor. Hope you feel better soon.
I take 8000 IU's of Vitamin D/day and it doesn't cause me headaches (and I'm guaranteed at least one migraine/month).

Could your headache be hormonal (time of the month) or maybe sinus related (this non stop rain that some of us have been hit with) or have you recently increased or decreased your caffeine intake?

Is the headache in the back of your head (stress) or in the front, over your eyes sorta (sinus or eyestrain) or your temples?
I take 8000 IU's of Vitamin D/day and it doesn't cause me headaches (and I'm guaranteed at least one migraine/month).

Could your headache be hormonal (time of the month) or maybe sinus related (this non stop rain that some of us have been hit with) or have you recently increased or decreased your caffeine intake?

Is the headache in the back of your head (stress) or in the front, over your eyes sorta (sinus or eyestrain) or your temples?

Ayaya, it is in the front of my head and around my temples too.
Okay ladies, I wash my hair a couple of minutes ago and now my head feels kind of good. My headache is still there a little bit, but not that sore. I think it is because of the garlic oil.
Yeah, I haven't been keeping up with drinking water lately. :look: I know that is a Lhcf no no for keeping hair and body healthy. Is it because of that?

that might be it. Whenever you start a new supplement you're supposed to up your water intake. Try drinking a little bit. Hopefully it goes away soon
What is the real purpose for the garlic oil that you purchased? Is scalp/hair application one of the manufacturer's intended uses?
What is the real purpose for the garlic oil that you purchased? Is scalp/hair application one of the manufacturer's intended uses?

This is my first time using the garlic treatment on my hair. I didn't know whether to us it in my hair or scalp, so decide to put it on my scalp. I am only using this for shedding.