Soooooo excited to be new!!!!


New Member
Hi i've been lurking for a good 7 or 8 months and finally decided to join. I'm so excited to finally be able to communiate.LOL. LHCF has really helped me in my hair care journey which started when I started lurking. I am currently transitioning and my last relaxer was May 2008. I am enjoying my journey and I know that I will be enjoying it even more now that I am an OFFICIAL member!!!!!!!! I don't have many pics ready for you guys yet but i'll definitely get around to that. I just wanted to say hello and share my excitement with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi i've been lurking for a good 7 or 8 months and finally decided to join. I'm so excited to finally be able to communiate.LOL. LHCF has really helped me in my hair care journey which started when I started lurking. I am currently transitioning and my last relaxer was May 2008. I am enjoying my journey and I know that I will be enjoying it even more now that I am an OFFICIAL member!!!!!!!! I don't have many pics ready for you guys yet but i'll definitely get around to that. I just wanted to say hello and share my excitement with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

WELCOME Aboard :yep: