Sooo should I cut my hair?

If you don't want to cut, please DON'T DO IT! There are always ways of making your hair look less volumous

I don't mind the volume. I actually love it. It's just the sides at the front that annoy me. I think it looks a little bulky on the front sides. But like someone else said, I must be at that weird in-between stage. I assume it'll get better as it gets longer. :yep:
I love your hair. As it get longer it will fall perhaph different and then you have more options that you can do with your hair.. I agree with you mother....leave it alone.!:lachen:
First of all, you’re really cute and I love your hair.

About the shape:

I think your hair would look better if the bottom near your nape was longer (or slightly more layered) I don’t think you should cut though, I think you should wait it out. I don’t know about your hair, but mine grows faster in the nape area, so it should be able to shape itself up in a little bit of time.

But if you do decide to trim (which I don’t think you should) I don’t think you should take any off the length at all.
Absolutely not! There is nothing wrong with you hair. It looks beautiful. Step away from the scissors and then run like hell. LOL.
I came in here expecting something totally different, uneven, one side sticking up...OP your hair is lovely and falls wonderfully. Please leave it alone.

You will feel better as it grows!!