something's up here....


New Member
the littel area up top that tells you when you have a private message now says that i have 68 unread messages and thats a filthy lie!

this only JUST happened when i went to clean out my box cuz i was gettin close to 500....can someone help me please?? im afraid if it stays i wont know when i actually get a PM....
i have the same problem but mine only says i have 1. i've had it since I reached 500 and had to clean out as well. I still get notification when I have new PM's tho'.
i figured it out nat! it was all the PMs that i had gotten before we made the switch to the new system...they werent bothering me til i went to clean out my box cuz i was approaching, maybe if you go to the last page of your PMs you'll see the culprit!