Something is making my hair grow like crazy!!


New Member
Ok so i got braids on hmm i think it was march 24th, and today i looked at my hair and the braids look like i have have had them in for a month or more! I have a lot of new growth already, I never thought i would get this much this soon! I have changed alot of things in my hair care regimen recently, so it might be a lot of things. My regimen is as follows.

Drink at least 48 ounces of water daily (have been slacking lately though)
Take 2 ultra nourishair vitamins daily
Protective styling i.e the braids
Wild growth oil applied every few days at night, the smell is too much for the day. :eek:
and braid spray.

So far soo good i am very happy! Hopefully at this rate i will have an inch and a half of new growth by the time i take these braids out. which is at the end of the month because by that time they will be looking a hot mess! :lachen:
By the way i should mention my hair grows fairly fast but nothing like this. :p
Sorry so long :ohwell:
BrwnSugaBabee said:
Ok so i got braids on hmm i think it was march 24th, and today i looked at my hair and the braids look like i have have had them in for a month or more! I have a lot of new growth already, I never thought i would get this much this soon! I have changed alot of things in my hair care regimen recently, so it might be a lot of things. My regimen is as follows.

Drink at least 48 ounces of water daily (have been slacking lately though)
Take 2 ultra nourishair vitamins daily
Protective styling i.e the braids
Wild growth oil applied every few days at night, the smell is too much for the day. :eek:
and braid spray.

So far soo good i am very happy! Hopefully at this rate i will have an inch and a half of new growth by the time i take these braids out. which is at the end of the month because by that time they will be looking a hot mess! :lachen:
By the way i should mention my hair grows fairly fast but nothing like this. :p
Sorry so long :ohwell:

When I had braids in my Braid Sheen Spray was the Ultimate Key to Growth for me...
Porshe19 I am sure you will great results, my new growth is also coming in finer, which is really interesting i didnt know that was possible, until i read some threads on what msm can do. I am really excited. I should warn you though i broke out for the first couple of days after starting the vitamins (niacin flush?)
p.s. I actually am seeing growth in my nails! Major plus!!!!

Ashee yea i am a believer that braid spray works wonders, my hair is loving all that moisturizer. :grin:
That is exactly what's happening to me! I've had braids since February after about 4 weeks they looked like I'd had them for a few months (from all the new growth). I'm also using braid spray and Ultra Nourish Hair, so maybe those have something to do with it.
I had braid and use Surge,Castor oil and Braid spray plus GNC Hair,Skin & Nail and I good results.
I plan to get my hair braided again soon.
I agree with phoenix and Labett these GNC vitamins must be doing something right, is it dumb to want my braids to look good and my hair to grow fast lol! Braids are expensive! But I guess they are a means to an end, Longer hair! :-) btw i just got some kinky curly jojoba jelly in the mail, when i take my braids out i will let you know how it works! Happy hair growing!
What kind of braids did you ladies have...and do you have pics...I really want braids...not the REALLY small micro braids...but something cute...and convient...and that doesnt take 3 days to finnish...because i have some thick
That's great! Wearing braids is a good way to grow your hair out! Drinking that water and using WGO could contribute to your growth as well! Keep up the good hair care! :up:
I have a lil smaller then pencil sized braids, i have heard way to many bad things about micro braids pulling your hair out. I bought hmm lemme go check, ok Toyokalon in the yaki pony 18". it has a lil curl at the end so i wear the ends loose. and i hold them together by using clear nail glue. HTH I will try to post pics soon.
I have also started doing the same taking ultra nourishair using Surge(surge, scurl, and infusim) and also Organic Root Stimulator Fertilizer on my scalp...i have small braids with human hair....resembling micros but a little more bigger than micros....ive always used braids to grow my hair out.....i even noticed that since using the Surge on my braids that the two spots that i hardly had any hair now has hair there....:)
DangerouslyShy said:
What kind of braids did you ladies have...and do you have pics...I really want braids...not the REALLY small micro braids...but something cute...and convient...and that doesnt take 3 days to finnish...because i have some thick

I am so ANTI braids...or used to be. But I really want to get some now. And not micro either, like you stated. Maybe bigger in the crown and a little smaller around the edges. I'm still going to BUN IT ....LOL

Does anyone know of a braid website that you can get ideas from.
I love my braids! This is the first time I have had them in about 5 years and they are so convenient. I have small (not micro) human hair braids. The hair is braided past the ends of my hair, so I bought a little bit longer hair for the loose ends. Also, the braider didn't pull the temple really tight and used less braids in that area. I wear it in a bun during the week and am still looking for other nice styles. (Not to hijack the thread: Does anyone know how to get body in the crown with braids like Millie on MTV's PoweR Girls? I love how she styles her braids.)

The great thing is no heat and being able to Surge twice a day. This post was so timely because just last night I had to look up when I got the braids. I have only had them since the 18th, but they look over a month old. The goal is to keep them until mid-May for maximum growth with touch-ups as needed. I Surge, take alfalfa, MSM, and Vitol Great Hair. I am taking a break from biotin because after a year, I am starting to notice a little more hair than usual in other areas.