
New Member
...Why my fine hair takes FOREVER to dry?? I have been melting under this dryer for the past 75 minutes and parts of my hair are still soaking wet!!!!! I HATE sitting under the dryer.

I have done everything I could possibly think of including: rolling in smaller sections, not using any setting lotions/etc and sitting with the dryer practically on top of my head. Is there a secret to this?

I have a 1200 watt dryer and can hardly stand that. I may move up to a higher wattage if that will help. I'm melting! I'm melting! I'm melting!!!!!!!!!!!!
consider it a blessing. because when your hair dries VERY fast, it's a sign of damaged/unhealthy hair. my hair dries in less than a half an hour :(
75 minutes and some of it is still soaking wet?? That doesn't sound quite right to me..I was gonna say that maybe the setting is way too low but i guess its not since you advised your are melting lol. Is alllll the hair getting the same amount of heat?
consider it a blessing. because when your hair dries VERY fast, it's a sign of damaged/unhealthy hair. my hair dries in less than a half an hour :(

I dont think that is always necessarily true. Well it is but not entirely.

Hair that has had too much moisture, is too elastic, and that is typically mushy and snaps and breaks after being stretched tends to take a LONG time to dry. Mushy hair is hard to comb because it wraps around the comb, stretches, then breaks off. Then you rollerset it, wrap it, or whatever and it literally takes hours to dry, then you find out the underside of it is still wet.

Hair that has had too much protein and other things like that tends to be hard even when it is wet, snaps off without even stretching because of lack of elasticity, and will usually take a VERY short amount of time to dry because it already is dried out. When my hair was damaged in high school from too much protein gel and not using conditioner, I would get out of the tub from washing, squeeze it out, grab the blow dryer and realize my hair was already dry, and when the comb touched it it would just come out in chunks.