Someone help me understand this about hair length potential!! PLEAZE!!

Ok, ill try to make this as clear as i can cuz i find it sooo confusing!,, It is said that at any given time the majority(80% i think) of our hair is in the anagen( growth) phase but its also said that when hair reaches the end of anagen phase it rests then falls out, , NOW, i see plenty of ppl walking around with long hair thats probably reached its growth potential and their hair may be all one length,, if all their hair has reached its terminal length , why doesnt it all fall out at once?! I mean how come when a person reaches lets say waist length being their maximum length all of their hair doesnt go into rest and fall out,, how does it just stay as it is? If 80% of our hair is in anagen at any time then wouldnt it reach rest and fall out phase at the same time too? in other words 80% should fall out at once???:confused::eek::perplexed this totallly wracks my brain so BAD!!!!
girl can i tell you that JUST TODAY i was thinking the SAME exact thing
mad spooky
cuz i was wondering okay if hair has a life cycle we would all be bald at a certain time
and then i went into this whole day dream about us all being bald at certain times but it being normal
so we'd just be used to seeing bald ppl here and there
RedRiot, that was a good link. Very interesting:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The hairs on an adult scalp do not grow in unison, as they do in an unborn baby. They are 'out of cycle' with each other. If this were not so, everyone would go temporarily bald from time to time.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The hairs on an adult scalp do not grow in unison, as they do in an unborn baby. They are 'out of cycle' with each other. If this were not so, everyone would go temporarily bald from time to time.[/FONT][/quote]

This makes sense but it still puzzles me because why is it that some ppls hair ( think of some native americans in the rainforest) is almost ALL the same length w/out trims, so wouldnt that mean that all these hairs have reached their terminal length together?, and therefore fall out 2gether?
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The hairs on an adult scalp do not grow in unison, as they do in an unborn baby. They are 'out of cycle' with each other. If this were not so, everyone would go temporarily bald from time to time.[/FONT]

This makes sense but it still puzzles me because why is it that some ppls hair ( think of some native americans in the rainforest) is almost ALL the same length w/out trims, so wouldnt that mean that all these hairs have reached their terminal length together?, and therefore fall out 2gether?[/quote]

Well God knew what he was doing when he made us. :) But have you ever noticed that at certain times of the year your hair seems to shed more than at other times?
I know for me my hair seems to shed alot between July and September. I lose a lot more strands than I normally would. And it would all be the longest strands on my head. I bet you in that 2-3 mnt period my longest strands mostly fell out.
But remember there are other strands that were slightly shorter that were still growing. It's just a balance. A gradual shedding of hair.
I'm just glad it's set up that way or I'd be a bald headed woman every summer.:lol:
I am not sure about this one, but my guess is that since we are constantly losing hairs, those hairs are constantly being replaced by new ones. That is why it would never fall out at the same time. Each hair on your head is probably at a different growth stage. If they weren't, then yes, we would all be bald at some point.
I don't know where to find them but they are
el- ear length
sl- shoulder length
cl- collarbone length
apl- arm pit length
bsb-below shoulder blade
bsl-bra strap length
mbl-mid-back length
wsl or wl- waist length
hl- hip length
tl or tbl- tailbone length
cl-classic length
kl-knee length if that even exists. i've never seen kl or anything pass cl but im sure they exist....maybe a thigh length too idk
In spite of all appearances, not all head hairs are the same length at the same time. While 80% of the hairs on your head are in the growth phase, they will be at different stages of the growth phase. Maybe of that 80% 15% are brand new hairs that just started growing, 25% are a year old, another 25% have been growing for two or three years, and so on. This would also be the case with the hairs that are in the resting stage. Some would have gone into the resting stage before others. The ones that have been in the resting stage for the longest period of time, of course are the ones that are soon going to be shed. A few days later, the ones second oldest ones would shed, while the older hairs that were still growing, will then go into the resting stage.

I hope this is making sense!

While many of us have times of the year where we shed more than others, we must also keep in mind that there were hairs that began growing months and years ago to replace the ones that we are losing now.

Again, in spite of all appearances, our hairs are not all the same length. Even if we shave our heads, the hairs were still at different stages in their growth cycle and while it will grow out looking even, eventually it will not STAY completely even as some hairs will continue to shed, while new ones begin to grow.

ETA: I think most people who at some point had a blunt cut, can attest to the fact that their hair did not maintain that exact same bluntness as time went on. The straight edge of the cut softens over time because of this process mentioned above. :)
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