Somebody please tell me why?


Well-Known Member
I brought a friggin sit under pibbs dryer and never use and my impulse shopping! Talked myself into buying it sayin" oh girl, ur gonna do ur rollersets and deep condish's like a dominican pro"..:nono:..never I do is a 8 roller ponytail rollerset..and most days i just airdry...I cant be bothered anymore..
please LHCF...dont give me no more idea's...:grin::look::perplexed:wallbash:

Tis all...
I feel your frustration. However, I LOVE my Pibbs.:love3: That was one of the best hair investments I have made. That thing MAKES me want to DC and rollerset more.

I tell you what... it sounds like right now your priorities are not about spending too much time on your hair, which is understandable. I say give it some time, and the rollersetting, DCing, pampering your hair...bug will come eventually.

Hang in there!!
Oooo, teleport it over to me. I'm still doing DC's with a blowdryer. :look:
:grin: u didnt say u do DC's with a BD!!:lachen: girl i feel u! whateva works shoot!

Thats all I use mine for. :lol:

Is it for sale? :look:
no..not gonna sell least not right now..:grin:..ima keep it and see maybe if i feel like doing it again soon..

I feel your frustration. However, I LOVE my Pibbs.:love3: That was one of the best hair investments I have made. That thing MAKES me want to DC and rollerset more.

I tell you what... it sounds like right now your priorities are not about spending too much time on your hair, which is understandable. I say give it some time, and the rollersetting, DCing, pampering your hair...bug will come eventually.

Hang in there!!
yes girl, it was a few months back and I am trying to get there again..I had to negelct my hair for a while..#1- I had chronic ear infections in both ears for months!! they would not go i didnt washe my hair ..didnt wanna get any water in my ears and make it worse..then i never combed it either..just slicked it back..had a big dred matt after a few weeks..took me an hour in the shower and a few bottles of condish to comb out all that shed hair..looked like my hair was falling out...clumps of hair!! but I knew it was all shed hair..but i dont want that to happen ear infections are gone Thank You GOD!!!!!
and can wash and DC my hair again 2x a week..*rejoice* and I was also trying to get my baby weight plus 20 that kinda took over for a while..trying to balance the both of them now...:ohwell:

Once upon a time I did weekly roller sets with a blowdryer for about a year. :lachen:
:lachen:Guuurlll..I feel u! when I got ole pibby..i was a roller DC queen..and I still lub it and think he's cute..but havent turned ole boy on in months..time I finish working out..I just wanna rinse the condish outa my hair and slap it in a ponytail and let it airdry overnite with a scarf..
thats where I am right now...I hope things change between him and I..:grin: