Somebody on here from TN has fam in MI...


Well-Known Member
Okay, so for the past couple days I've been getting this strong whiff of Strawberry Kiwi BeeMine while at work :look:. This person I know isn't on the boards because we're cool and have worked together for about 8 years. I give her hair tips, product recommendations etc.

She came over to my desk the other day and I said "So you got the Bee Mine?" She said, "How do you know about BeeMine?" I said, "I told you about it!" She said "No you didn't, I got it from my niece in Flint." I'm like niece?! Hmm... so I said, "Where'd your niece get it from? Ask her if she's Nikos' cousin." She e-mailed or talked to her I guess then came back and was like "She got it from a lady she works with @ the hospital who has hair down to here (pointed to her waist) but wears wigs all the time." Now I'm really like ok, protective styling, Bee Mine... Gotta be a cousin! I said, "Well, that lady is a cousin or something. Just ask her if she's on any hair boards." She came back the next day and told me according to her niece the lady got it from her cousin who lives in TN...

All that to say, if any of you all from TN have a cousin up in Flint, MI w/long hair that works at a hospital, I just wanna know who it is. I think it's pretty funny and coincidental :grin: I was originally hoping the lady was a board member, I always like to communicate w/my MI ladies. I was just gonna be excited is all...
This thread is cute~ I hope she responds :look:. What a small world, I am just falling out at you knowing what the product was by smell :lachen: :lachen:.

That is so funny because during football season one of my friends had her hair rollerset, it smelled and looked wonderful and the shine was awesome. I said what's in your hair she said something and all I heard was Serum.

Fast forward two months I went to Sallys just this weekend looking for a Serum I couldn't remember what the name was and she didn't answer the phone so I smelled them all I grabbed one and left. She called me back after I got home and I told her what was up and she said the product was Fantasia IC Hair Polisher. Dangit if that wasnt' the same product I bought just because I recognized the smell.

A day in the life of the hair obsessed :lachen::lachen:
ahahahhaa!!!! knew what the woman had in her hair! :lol:

I love me some BeeMine----but, it wudn't me!! :grin:

No relatives in Flint...but I don't tell anyone about this board or the products anyway! I'm selfish when it comes to this forum. This is MY spot!
Let 'em research and get healthy hair on their own....

But that person need to quit trippin......she knows you told her about it! You ain't gotta lie craig.....:spinning:
Haha. I'm from TN and I have family in Flint, but I don't use BeeMine.
:giggle: Ioknow TSU, too many coincidences...;)
ahahahhaa!!!! knew what the woman had in her hair! :lol:

I love me some BeeMine----but, it wudn't me!! :grin:

No relatives in Flint...but I don't tell anyone about this board or the products anyway! I'm selfish when it comes to this forum. This is MY spot!
Let 'em research and get healthy hair on their own....

But that person need to quit trippin......she knows you told her about it! You ain't gotta lie craig.....:spinning:
I only tell people when I'm so inclined. Like imagine having to explain Nikos w/o explaining it...she had the most perplexed look on her face and was like "Well hook my up w/Niko, is he single?" :perplexed:lachen:I said "NIKOS and he's plural!" I know that confused her even more :laugh:
This is too funny and cute. Beemine huh, might have to check that out after I finish the BT. But I know what you mean about smells I was in the mall and this girl with really nice hair walked by and I smelled Mizani H20 nighttime which is one of my faves in my arsenal.