Somebody Needs What You Can Give Pastor Paula White


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Somebody Needs What You Can Give
Pastor Paula White

Numbers are significant to God.

The number "9" signifies "gifts," and "fruit." 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 states that we are given nine different ways in which the Holy Spirit shows Himself in our lives. And as with the "gifts of the Spirit" described in Galatians 5:22, these are inner qualities that bless those around us when we share them.

For those of us who love God and truly want to see His presence manifested in our lives, I believe that in 2009 it will be especially important to reach out to those around us with the gifts we are given.

How we share our blessings, gifts, and talents with others is how we show God's love and allow our lives to be a light to the world around us.

Love is a verb - an action word. We can love those around us by our simple actions of giving. Each of us has something to give our world. And somebody out there needs what you can give!

Giving is not about a financial thing -- although that is one way to give. Sharing with others stems from our inner being; it is giving of ourselves, our talents and our abilities. Today one of the most valuable gifts we can give someone may be our time.

Any time is a good time to give, however, during seasons of struggle, hardship, or transition -- which many of us are experiencing now -- I think it is especially important. It is easy to become self-absorbed, and feel we have nothing to give.

But I assure you, you have something somebody needs. It may be a warm smile, or a friendly touch! I have found through my own experiences that when I'm going through difficult times, it helps to make a deliberate and conscious choice to give of myself to others.

While going through a series of very painful experiences, I visited a nearby nursing home and devoted a portion of every week to five elderly people who had nobody else visiting them. My gifts to them were simple:

I listened to stories of their childhood adventures.
I held their hands and told them stories of my own.
I joked with them.
Sometimes I brought them soft cookies they could "gum" on -- or little bouquets of flowers they could smell, even if they couldn't see them.

By sharing simple acts of kindness with these precious seniors, not only was God's love manifested, but it brought me incredible blessings of joy and happiness and allowed me to focus on the positive side of my personal life. When we give to others it is impossible not to be blessed.

In 2009, a year that I call "The Year of the Spirit," I encourage you to take time to hear the small still voice within.

Be sensitive to God's Spirit in every area of your life. Find simple ways of sharing the gifts He has given you with the people around you. You will, in turn, find yourself filled with joy and contentment, as you become His hand extended to a hurting world.

Remember, your life is a gift from God - what you do with your life is your gift to Him.
Thanks for posting this.

Very recently, I was crying out for something that has been on my heart for a very long time. I feel like I have been forgotten and cheated out of something I didn't deserve. In some ways I have been stuck in limbo in my life because of this thought process.

I was directed to a prayer site, (somehow, the Lord knows when to speak!)

When I was reading the prayers, I was brought to my knees. I realized how the losses and prayers of so many others was so much greater than my own.

My thought immediately was to get my mind off of myself.

So, to the original poster, last night I was changed, to stop thinking of my small needs and to think of the many losses and needs of others....

I agree so much w/ these sentiments, Somebody has what I can give.
I totally agree with this. I've been studying love for weeks now and what I have found to be consistent is that giving is directly related to love. God shows His love for us by giving. How can we say we love our neighbor if we won't give? For me it's recognizing that every dollar that lands in my hand is not FOR ME. I am blessed so that I can BE a blessing to someone else. My "problems" are tiny compared to a lot of other people's right now. :yep: