somebody liked my bun!


New Member
i was at Wal-Mart with my mom doing some grocery shopping... while we were standing in line 2 other black girls behind us were talking and i heard one of them say, "see that's why i wish my hair was thicker, so when i make a bun it would look fuller. like hers it's sooooo pretty."

the other girl just said, "yeah well that's not your hair, yours is thin. that's cute though, i like it!" and then she changed the subject.

i've never had anyone (outside of the online hair community) compliment my bun before! :grin:
Hey Sis...Other women have admired your hair too...I know it...Women dont compliment each other like we should ... I wouldnt know what to do with myself if I saw your hair out in everyday life..hahahaha

I love your hair...
Yeah, lots of women have probably admired it and just not said anything! The lady checking me out at the grocery store today was AA and her hair was tail-bone length in two beautiful long braids. I wanted to compliment her, but it would have been so awkward!! lol

& your hair is very nice! I love the thickness
they are also in my Fotki:


are you suprised, libra?

your hair is beautiful! i'm amazed that you aren't SICK of the compliments :lol:
not that any of us would ever get sick of the compliments...