My day at the BSS....bless her heart!

:lachen::lachen:This whole thread gave me a good morning laugh! But, I have a question about the comic strip toottrendy, did you create it? It's cute!

Nope, LV Burns is le original artiste! I am going to purchase her book even though I spent the whole time reading it while getting my hair braided! :yep: I originally found them on my braiders website @ Scroll to the bottom and click on See more Val & Nadine series.
I meant to write about this the other day, but I forgot. So the other day I had to pick up some supplies for my client's hair that I had to do that day (BTW, 2 heads of hair in one day....never again!). I had airdried my hair and piled it in top of my head in a bun. When I get inside the BSS, I'm immediately drawn to this table filled w/ just phony buns. I mean HUGE ones in designs I've never seen before. As I'm rummaging through the table I catch this elderly woman looking at my head. I turn to her and smile. Ladies I kid you not...this is how the rest of the conversation went:

Elderly Woman: What chu lookin for today baby?
QT: I'm just looking through these buns! They're so beautiful, I think I may pick up a few before I leave.
EW: Might as well, it's about time you get rid of the one you have. It's startin to look a little ratty...


QT: Umm.....this is my hair.....
EW: :blush: Uh Uhhh!!!! For real, all of that hair's yours?!!! Beatrice (her sidekick). Come here and look at this child's hair. She say it's all hers!
Beatrice: For real? Lemme see...

Do you know these ladies went CSI in my bun, inspecting real close???

Beatrice: Yep, that's all hers all right. I used to have long hair like that once....

EW: Baby, you don't need no bun, you just need to get a "perm" and wear your hair out.
QT: I have a "perm".
EW: :look:

I wasn't even mad @ her. She was a sweet lady. it was funny as all get out though. Just thought I'd share :grin:

Something like this happened to me once. It was right around the time that kinky twists because popular. I was at the BSS looking for some hair gel and these chicks came up to me and told me they liked my hair. Then they asked what kind of hair did I buy for my twists. I had been natural for about 4 years at that point and my twists were just above shoulder length. My hair was also two colors, dark roots with light brown ends. It was amusing to see that someone thought my nappy hair was fake.