So, you want to get Married?

I can't listen here at work or at home because I have dial up. I wish they had questions or something.
I'll have to wait till I get home to hear it. But you say its enduring truth? Is that Pastor Paul Shephard? If so, he;s awesome. I listen to him on the radio and want to visit his church sometime soon.
I'll have to wait till I get home to hear it. But you say its enduring truth? Is that Pastor Paul Shephard? If so, he;s awesome. I listen to him on the radio and want to visit his church sometime soon.

Girl, you know that's right!!!!! I love Pastor Shephard...his messages are always on point...all the time.

I can't wait until you hear this message. I enjoyed it so much. I think I'm going to get the series for a few single friends...they would really appreciate a gift like this for Christmas!

Nice & Wavy- Thanks so much for sharing! I’ve listened to all 4 parts of the sermon and it was enriching to me.

In Part II - how you handle close door situations will determine how far you get in life was deep on so many levels.
-Ruth & Naomi had some closed doors BUT how Ruth responded is what caused her to receive and walk in the things of God.

In Part III – This really stood out to me “A person shows commitment and faithfulness by practicing it in their current life; serving in the community, ministry, and on their job, etc.” Allow that Significant Other to build credibility with you in character, faithfulness, and commitment.

Also, I rarely hear people mention “Pre-engagement counseling” -counseling before you receive the engagement ring and announce to the world that you are getting married. I definitely like this idea.
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Also, I thought it was very important and significant that he mentioned in Part I " Maximize your life as a single women - don't wait for a man to get a life."

Ruth left her country and lost her husband but yet she was proactive, polite, and persistent in her own life before she met Boaz. She definitly maximized her life.
Nice & Wavy- Thanks so much for sharing! I’ve listened to all 4 parts of the sermon and it was a enriching to me.

In Part II - how you handle close door situations will determine how far you get in life was deep on so many levels.
-Ruth & Naomi had some closed doors BUT how Ruth responded is what caused her to receive and walk in the things of God.

In Part III – This really stood out to me “A person shows commitment and faithfulness by practicing it in their current life; serving in the community, ministry, and on their job, etc.” Allow that Significant Other to build credibility with you in character, faithfulness, and commitment.

Also, I rarely hear people mention “Pre-engagement counseling” -counseling before you receive the engagement ring and announce to the world that you are getting married. I definitely like this idea.

You are welcome. I really liked part 2 and 3 as well. Very informative and funny too! My dh and I do marriage workshops for couples who have a good relationship, but would like it to be better. We help them work out some of the "kinks" that arise in marriage and the workshops are dynamic. We have a waiting list now for so many couples. Sometimes, there are couples who have more kinks than we would like, but overall its a blessing to work for God in this area and help them to overcome in their marriages.

I loved that he does "Pre-engagement counseling" as well. My pastor does this too and let me tell you, its far better to find out if you both will be a match before the Pre-marital counselling than afterwards. It's a much better system I think.

Thank you for listening and sharing. I can't wait for others (RR and KLB too) to listen and then share with us what they thought of it.

Hi, N&W!!!

When I saw the title of this thread, I was kinda like "Uh ohhhh".... Is this going to be one of those types of threads that say "be careful for what you ask for....":look:

I will listen to the series.... Based on what was said here, it sounds like the same (effective) principles to maximize one's season.... So I suppose for me it's like "you know what to do, now do it!".... Amen....

Thank you for thinking of me! I will listen to the series and share my response....
Girl, you know that's right!!!!! I love Pastor Shephard...his messages are always on point...all the time.

I can't wait until you hear this message. I enjoyed it so much. I think I'm going to get the series for a few single friends...they would really appreciate a gift like this for Christmas!


I knew it had to be him. Cool. I'm gonna check it out when I get home. Thanks for sharing.
I'm listening now.... He had me at the point when he talked about the married folk not checking out on the message.... I also feel his sincerity....
Hi, N&W!!!

When I saw the title of this thread, I was kinda like "Uh ohhhh".... Is this going to be one of those types of threads that say "be careful for what you ask for....":look:

I will listen to the series.... Based on what was said here, it sounds like the same (effective) principles to maximize one's season.... So I suppose for me it's like "you know what to do, now do it!".... Amen....

Thank you for thinking of me! I will listen to the series and share my response....

LoL...I kinda knew you would. I think you would really enjoy listening and make sure you have your pen and paper handy to write down all the good stuff he talks about. Let me know how you enjoyed it!
I'm listening now.... He had me at the point when he talked about the married folk not checking out on the message.... I also feel his sincerity....

He is an excellent teacher and he makes you think while making you laugh too all at the same time. When I first heard his message on marriage, my husband and I took so many was excellent and hysterical!
Also, I thought it was very important and significant that he mentioned in Part I " Maximize your life as a single women - don't wait for a man to get a life."

Ruth left her country and lost her husband but yet she was proactive, polite, and persistent in her own life before she met Boaz. She definitly maximized her life.

Let me tell you, girl....when he began to talk about Ruth, as a married woman I was taking notes regarding my husband. It was really good stuff!!!
Thanks for sharing! Now, this was beneficial!:yep:

I'm glad that you listened to it.

There was one thing that he said that really stood out to me:

He said..."When God gives you a vision, He will give (or show) you the end but, He will not show you the journey. We will just get in the way.

I was truly blessed by this.
I listened to all four parts last night at home, and I really enjoyed it. (I want to check out his other messages too.)

He made excellent points about dating and marriage. He discussed true human emotions--no super spiritual, holier than thou stuff. Some parts were very funny.

I like how he presented Ruth and her integrity.

Thanks for sharing that link. Lord knows I want to be married to a Boaz and not a bozo. :lol:
I listened to all four parts last night at home, and I really enjoyed it. (I want to check out his other messages too.)

He made excellent points about dating and marriage. He discussed true human emotions--no super spiritual, holier than thou stuff. Some parts were very funny.

I like how he presented Ruth and her integrity.

Thanks for sharing that link. Lord knows I want to be married to a Boaz and not a bozo. :lol:

You are welcome.

And at the bolded: :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Precious Wavy, I was finally able to listen. I really enjoyed this. :yep: This is a good site to 'focus' upon as well. :yep: