So, you wanna Transition.... ( the latest Transitioners thread)


New Member
I attempted to do a search on the old transition thread but that one is kind of old and alot of the people that were transitioning have already done the B.C. so here's the new one /images/graemlins/trampoline.gif

Well, many things have been going on hairwise -- what i want from my hair, disappointment with thinning when i knew what the main problem for me is (outside of the protein in my diet), feeling really like overall my relationship with my relaxer has gone the distance, wondering why do it again when i havent been happy with the prospect of relaxing the last 6 years ESPECIALLY when i actually like my natural hair.

But outside of ALL of that i've been relaxed for 22 years and i think it's time for me to see my own hair again before i die /images/graemlins/rofl.gif

I attempted to transition last year but that obviously wasnt the right time because here i am again. I think the lack of success for the last attempt was that my motives were different. I wanted to transition for new styles and because i was bored with my hair. This time i feel more like me and the relaxer have to break up. Yes like all relationships this one needs time to dissolve. Hence my decision to transition.

Before anyone posts anything about thinking about it, it's okay i'm decided and wont be changing my mind but thanks for making sure that i dont make any hasty decisions /images/graemlins/kiss.gif It's just the time for me to begin this and it FEELS that way as well which is the biggest reason for me feeling very comfortable and confident in my decision. /images/graemlins/smile.gif -- jainygirl

ETA: I will be transitioning for a year. Any type 4's out there with advice and tips for caring for my hair during that time please feel free to share, your advice is very welcome. TIA /images/graemlins/wink.gif-- jainy
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

I thought I noticed your siggy changed. Congrats on your decision to transition. /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Jainygirl, if that is how you feel. It would support. Don't do the big chop, have your hair in braids for a long time, also use castor oil and Surge on roots. Also, if you look at Pookeylou's album and other women, who have transition successfully and have very thick healthy hair. Also there are a lot of long hair naturals on this board, (Long hair natural ladies, you know who you are and your hair albums are an inspiration to me).
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Congrats! Lots of luck with your transition! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Im joining you Jainy...this is the reason why I joined LHCF...Im transitioning right now!! Because of bad relaxers, dying my hair...its just overprocessed and in bad shape...I am 4 months post relaxer and I have alot of new growth, and Im getting a little discouraged /images/graemlins/frown.gif its hard to manage my new growth which is so thick and my thin fragile relaxed hair...I recently got my newgrowth lightly pressed for the first time for a trim and my hair looks so much healthier all ready...but its hard girl... I dont know what to do with it, all i have been doing is braiding up my hair and sewing in tracks...I love wearing but I really want to wear my natural hair as well...but Im afraid to do the big chop...
Ok enough of my rambling...

Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Shea butter baby- Shea butter- Thanks to Tamala, I discovered shea butter and my new growth is so smoooth, that I would be able to comb through my hair with a fine tooth comb if I wanted.
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Shea butter baby- Shea butter- Thanks to Tamala, I discovered shea butter and my new growth is so smoooth, that I would be able to comb through my hair with a fine tooth comb if I wanted.

[/ QUOTE ]I have heard so much about you put it on your hair when its wet or is it a good moisturizer in general!?
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

I put it after letting my hair air dry with Nexus Humectress- I did a mixtue of castor oil and shea butter. OMG, my hair was so soft........
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Congrats again Jainy...and all the new transitioners. You can do it. I've seen it done and successfully did it myself. Enjoy this time...dont view it as a burden. Start honing up on your hair styling skills. A good book for that is "Natural Hair/Natural Woman" by Tekeyah Crystal Kemah. It shows you step by step how to do styles that are perfect for transitioners. She has styles in there especially for transitioning hair.

I continue to wish you well.
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

I put it after letting my hair air dry with Nexus Humectress- I did a mixtue of castor oil and shea butter. OMG, my hair was so soft........

[/ QUOTE ]lool I just got really excited because i just purchased some nexxus numectress!! lol now I just have to get some shea butter and Im all set...
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Jainy ~ congratulations on knowing your mind and making the decision that's right for you. /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Congrats again Jainy...and all the new transitioners. You can do it. I've seen it done and successfully did it myself. Enjoy this time...dont view it as a burden. Start honing up on your hair styling skills. A good book for that is "Natural Hair/Natural Woman" by Tekeyah Crystal Kemah. It shows you step by step how to do styles that are perfect for transitioners. She has styles in there especially for transitioning hair .

I continue to wish you well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooohhh Pookey, this sounds fantastic. This is gonna be part of my "transitioner survival kit" that i make for myself; along with that shea butter and various other items. You are one treasure trove of information, thank you so much for sharing /images/graemlins/kiss.gif -- jainygirl
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Type 4 transitioner checking in. Welcome aboard jainygirl.

I was at the exact same place you were last December. Now a year is almost gone and there's no looking back. I've found that the longer I went without relaxing the less I wanted to relax.

I agree about shea butter being natural hair's best friend.I prefer to use Cantu Shea Soft mixed with olive oil as opposed to pure shea butter though because it's lighter.
I want to wish you all good luck. /images/graemlins/weird.gif I am still trying to figure out what my hair likes and hates due to neglect, but I will try to help when I can.
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

GoodLuck everyone see you at the finishline
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Hello Everyone,

Glad I paid up, so I can post.

I have been an uncommitted transitioner since November 03'. My last texturizer/relaxer was July '03 with Design Essentials Lo-lye. I think I am ready to make my transition official. I've developed an unhealthy obsession with my hair (but that's another topic). All the beautiful heads of hair on LHCF are truly an inspiration!
Good luck to you and do what you feel is best for your hair and your peace of mind.

One thing I wish I had done unlike what one of the ladies warned you about, was I wished I had cut my hair off sooner! LOL

Do whatever is best for you and if you are going to transition for a long time, then please do be patient with your hair as you encounter more challenges trying to detangle the two different textures of hair. What worked for me was wearing braids while I transitioned, but I hated not seeing my newgrowth. As you grow it out, you should start cutting the relaxed ends in order to make detangling a bit easier. And when all else seems to have failed, try braid removal sprays in order to help you comb your hair. They worked wonders for me. HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif
That's fantastic news Jainygirl! I know what it's like when you just decide "it's time". Remember to keep focused on your ultimate goal with your hair and not to let frustration with two textures lead you back to relaxing it if that is not truly what you want.
As fast as your hair grows you may not need to transition as long as you think! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Congrats on the decision to transition Jainy! Best wishes- you know we're here for you if you have any questions at all /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Good luck to you Jainygirl. If I have problems with my relaxer I may join you because my natural hair was so much healthier.
Congratulations Jainy! We will support and be behind you (making sure your hair stays healthy- lol). /images/graemlins/party.gif
Re: So, you wanna Transition....

Good luck with your transition Jainygirl! I'm a type 4 and I have to agree on the shea butter (virgin shea)This stuff has been a Godsend.