
New Member
So you meet a new guy. At the time you arent necessarily looking for a guy but you say hey whats the harm in getting to know him when he's obviously pursuing you. Its not like your gonna fall for him or anything. Yet you go out with him and you find out that he's charming, cute, witty and everything you ever wanted in a guy. He says the most perfect things at the most perfect times. You think to yourself what does he have that every other guy doesnt. So let me tell you why your not attracted to the good guys and your stuck on this so called player...
There is a chemical called oxytocin and another chemical pea chemical that is released with these charming players...
If you can remind yourself that no normal man does this then you will save yourself a bunch of grief, normal men dont say it they let there actions speak of how much they desire you, the words are to get the chemicals in your brain *oxytocin and pea chemicals* in your brain ADDICTED to his words, everytime he gives you a dose of admiration, everytime he says I want you, I miss you, I need you to be my girlfriend you get a dose of these feel good chemicals, its like a drug and your body is getting high doses of them EVERYTIME he says certain words and thus you will become dependent on the person that is releasing these chemicals in your brain, thus you become addicted to him and believe the addiction is love because it feels like love and you will begin to phase out every guy that cant create these chemicals in your brain, you will need him to feel good...

Now back to the original story... He courts you for about a good month or two telling you he cares about you...your this and that...blah blah blah...Then the rollercoaster ride begins, the yo yo back and forth begins, the guy that once said he completely loves you, wants you and gotta have you has CHANGED HIS MIND, he just wants to be FRIENDS, he PULLS OUT, he ignores you and thus you begin to CRASH LIKE A DRUG ADDICT WHO NEEDS A FIX, you will seek him out to get a fix and he will not be found, he will become mean, cruel, he will ignore you and make you crash heavily, you will become confused, why is he acting like this? Why does he just want to be friends? He said this and that and now he ignores me? You will feel its love that your after but its really the feel good chemicals that he released in your brain, you will become a love addict and then he will come back and give you a temporary fix a temporary high, he will apologize, say he didnt mean to do this and that, give you a bit of attention and you will associate that to being in love WITH HIM and then he will pull out again, ignore you, disappear and you will crash and then he will come back again and feed you more effects of love and you will feel temporarily better and it goes on and on and on and on...this is the worst case scenario, some women get out before its that bad:nono:

So the point of this,is that he's a LIAR, he knew he had some side chick from the beginning, he knew that he didnt start with you as friends but yet when things seemed to get a bit serious he had to slap cold water in you face to wake you up from the dream he created, you seem confused by it all but he never was confused, he knew EXACTLY what he was doing because he does it ALL THE TIME to unsuspecting women who believe in him, women who believe they have found the ONE, he cant keep up the fake phoney mask so he eventually has to back pedal and wiggle his way out of getting to the next step of the relationship, he's not worth the effort, he really isnt, you will be the one investing and he will watch you invest on the sidelines, he will always say well I told you we are just friends, why are you acting this way? The other woman doesnt believe in him, she doesnt fall for his phoney lines of love and thus she cant be conquered which means she will always play an important part in his life, she will be the girl that he could never have which makes him believe he's in love, he's invested tons of energy trying to capture her heart and he cant walk away from it. As long as this girl that he cant have is around, NO WOMAN will ever be able to have him because he's stuck on her which means he's more than likely commitment phobic and the other woman is a covenient reason not to get heavily involved with woman that want him..

He came into it COURTING YOU, he came into it with this ideal that he wanted more only to throw it in your face what his TRUE INTENTIONS was which is friendship, thats why you will never be able to trust men like this, his backward *** behavior made you believe in him, he's manipulative and he's a low self esteem NOBODY and thats what he doesnt want you to FIND OUT
In the BEGINNING there was no other woman and there was no talk of friendship, he was going with the flow as if things were fine and once the next logical step came up then he has the I just wanna be friends talk, AFTER spending tons of time with you allowing you to emotionally connect with him then it's talk of the other woman, then there's talk of friendship, I'm sure if he had been honest with you from day one that there was some obstacles involved with dating him you would have been able to make better choices and guard your space as to not allow yourself to fall for him in a way that you would get hurt, you wouldn't be on this roller coaster ride of a relationship, yet he hid those things and brings them up once he feels you may be catching feelings and men who do this is his attempt to manage your emotions and manage the relationship (control the direction of the relationship)
I call these men assclown liars because he has an advantage, he already KNOW he's UNAVAILABLE, he already know he is emotionally ill equipped to be in a relationship with anyone but that doesnt' stop him from chasing and pursuing women and top of that, the woman doesn't know that, she deems him acceptable based on how much time she spends with him, no worries, no problems, no signs that there is a problem and then out of nowhere it's the I just wanna be friends crap after he's done all the courting moves, you can't be expected to not feel any feelings, people aren't objects, they can't just stop liking and loving someone...let's say he's not a liar, let's say he just failed to show his full self, he failed to show you who he really is...What do you call him:nono::ohwell:

Hey ladies..I got this from another website...I think its pretty darn good:yep:
I think we can all relate to this.

The thing is, I'm tired of women continually being the victim. We don't HAVE to go through this. We should NOT accept this as a normal part of our dating lives. I KNOW it's hard as hell to actually follow through with what we say, but we have to not fall so quickly for a dude who does all the right things at the beginning.

We must make sure that we spend a longer time getting to know these dudes before we fall in so deep and pay attention to signs that he might be unavailable for whatever reason (another woman, etc.). And let's make sure that before we become emotionally attached to another man, we know what WE want from a relationship and require that he provide it before we give ourselves to them emotionally or otherwise.

This doesn't HAVE to be the story of our lives. We have power.
I think we can all relate to this.

The thing is, I'm tired of women continually being the victim. We don't HAVE to go through this. We should NOT accept this as a normal part of our dating lives. I KNOW it's hard as hell to actually follow through with what we say, but we have to not fall so quickly for a dude who does all the right things at the beginning.

We must make sure that we spend a longer time getting to know these dudes before we fall in so deep and pay attention to signs that he might be unavailable for whatever reason (another woman, etc.). And let's make sure that before we become emotionally attached to another man, we know what WE want from a relationship and require that he provide it before we give ourselves to them emotionally or otherwise.

This doesn't HAVE to be the story of our lives. We have power.

Leave it to my girl Bunny to come with the real talk.

I totally agree, especially with the bolded. :yep:
....ugh, it reads like the story of my relationship now. Except the let's be friends part and I'm pretty sure there's no other woman. He's just too in love with himself to make room in his life to be with somebody else. I've never been in love as much as I love him. But I love me more.
Leave it to my girl Bunny to come with the real talk.

I totally agree, especially with the bolded. :yep:

Thanks girl.

As you know, I just had a breakup too and after mourning for a bit, I got mad. Right now I'm just like, how long am I gonna just be singing this tale of woe? I KNOW better, so I need to do better! I'm not gonna spend another umpteen years talking about no-good men when I can kick them to the curb waaaaaaaaaaay before they get a chance to do some stupid ****.

Cause we know we miss those early red flags...
Thanks girl.

As you know, I just had a breakup too and after mourning for a bit, I got mad. Right now I'm just like, how long am I gonna just be singing this tale of woe? I KNOW better, so I need to do better! I'm not gonna spend another umpteen years talking about no-good men when I can kick them to the curb waaaaaaaaaaay before they get a chance to do some stupid ****.

Cause we know we miss those early red flags...

Girl, preach!!

I know in my situation, it should have never even gotten far enough for him to him to hurt me. I ignored a lot of ish, hoping that I could be the one to "fix him", that I could be the one that restored his faith in women, since he was very clear that he didn't trust us. I honestly don't think he would have ever been able to love me the way I deserve. So while the way he went about things was f'ed up, he actually did me a favor by forcing me to let him go.

But, I'll never make that mistake again. I got my own baggage I need to unload. I refuse to haul someone else's too.
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That sweet stuff talk doesn't work on me. It tends to get old right after he shows his true colors. The sooner he shows who he really is, the better for me because then I could just leave with no problem. I always so friends first before anything else.
i'm gonna print it out and save it. Maybe whip it out in later months when i'm in this situation again. Cuz it sure snapped me outta my addiction just now! lol
I've lived this tale.

Man it hurts!

As they say 'once bitten, twice shy'. I know the signs/ red flags and I won't let it happen again. Men like this aren't worth the pain they bring :nono:.
Thanks girl.

As you know, I just had a breakup too and after mourning for a bit, I got mad. Right now I'm just like, how long am I gonna just be singing this tale of woe? I KNOW better, so I need to do better! I'm not gonna spend another umpteen years talking about no-good men when I can kick them to the curb waaaaaaaaaaay before they get a chance to do some stupid ****.

Cause we know we miss those early red flags...

We don't miss 'em...

It's like speed limits, we see the "65 MPH" sign, we check our speed...80 mph...we shrug our shoulder and say to ourselves "nah, I'm not gonna get caught".
Some women really like excitement in a man and find the "conventional" man a little too boring. That's the only reason i can give for otherwise intelligent women to make such stupid choices.
Some women really like excitement in a man and find the "conventional" man a little too boring. That's the only reason i can give for otherwise intelligent women to make such stupid choices.

*MzLady reluctantly raises hand*

Guilty as charged.

Don't get me wrong, I don't do thug type dudes (in and out of jail, etc). But I've always liked guys who had some edge to them and have definitely passed up guys I deemed "too nice". Sounds stupid as hell in retrospect but it is what it is. :ohwell:

I think I'm getting better, though. The other night, I gave a dude my number that I probably wouldn't have given a second glance if I hadn't gone through all this BS lately. He called that night to make sure I got home alright and we had a great conversation yesterday, so we'll see what happens from here.
That was really interesting! But the one question I have is this? Why do we only get those chemicals released for "bad guys". A nerdy and socially awkward guy who has "noble intentions" but doesn't know how to take things slow might also tell us these flattering things too soon, but it seems women will not become addicted to these guys.

I want to start a spinoff of this thread. Think I'll do it.
That was a really great read...but it can also cause unnecessary paranoia due to the fact that men with bad AND good intentions usually court a woman in this way.

For the stop and think if a real man would do this part..WHAT?? So a real man is a robot who doesn't tell you flattering things? How does a woman know a man is interested if he doesn't voice his admirations about her? And what's this SHOWING part in the courting stage that would omit TELLING? Of course, men need to show and prove. It's really not that difficult to detect when someone is just saying what you want to hear versus being genuine, because their actions don't match up. Showing is accompanied by also telling. It has to be.

Good info though.
I'm sorry I didn't read the thread but I just about know what going on by the title :yep:.. I really don't know but I can speak for myself... For me I tried it and boy I was gonna kill somebody :lachen:..... So now it's like I'll look but won't touch :yep: b/c nothing good will come from it but heartache and pain :nono:..
because women are naturally hard lovers/nurterers etc

SneakPeak! Browse Inside Steve Harvey's new book: Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man What Men Really Think About Love Relationships Intimacy and Commitment

I LOVE IT SO FAR AND IT'S ON SALE for 30-40% at Barnes & Noble lol
That was really interesting! But the one question I have is this? Why do we only get those chemicals released for "bad guys". A nerdy and socially awkward guy who has "noble intentions" but doesn't know how to take things slow might also tell us these flattering things too soon, but it seems women will not become addicted to these guys.

I want to start a spinoff of this thread. Think I'll do it.

good question......

not every guy who says and does all the "good" things turn out to be "bad" guys

plenty of guys pursued and turned on the charm and romance for the women they eventually married and did the same things dudes who were runnin game did

what makes the difference ladies.....
good question......

not every guy who says and does all the "good" things turn out to be "bad" guys

plenty of guys pursued and turned on the charm and romance for the women they eventually married and did the same things dudes who were runnin game did

what makes the difference ladies.....

Those guys were available and ready for the lives they chose.

Most times, fake sweet talk aside, the others show many other signs that they are unavailable. And I don't think those are always bad guys. They just aren't on the same page as the woman.

I don't even think they are always running game. Men want and need us - point blank. Even if he is not trying to marry a woman, he will still come back to get his ego stroked, the good sex, the food she cooks, the stimulating convo, whatever. And whether we like to believe it or not, he can get the things he wants from more than one of us.

I don't think a man is BAD because he likes to have his cake and eat it too. What makes it BAD is when he leads women on, when he makes them think he wants more, when he lies and cheats, etc.

Unfortunately, because we are not going to have him out here like we are concubines in his harem, he HAS to lie and cheat so none of us will leave him all by his lonesome.

It in a never-ending cycle. For every man that is ready to settle down seriously, there are many more that still have a real problem with monogamy.

One man could have 2.5 women in his life at one time and they all drop him flat on his tail because of his infidelity. But then there will be 2.5 more around the corner that put him right on.

Until we (women) are all on the same page, it ain't changing.