So...what is this strange, voodoo thing


Well-Known Member
about men wanting to call you up after you decide to go on with life and split an atom? I was seriously crushing on this guy from church last year this time. We exchanged numbers and he didn't call me. I called him once but no return call. I was still crushing until about February when I got all metaphysical and decided that what I was crushing about was the wonderful qualities I had in myself that was simply reflecting back to me. So I decided to have a crush on myself. I see him a couple of times during this year and again we exchange numbers but no call. So now I've gotten three phone called from him in three weeks and today he called twice. He even asked when can he see me again. I asked if he was coming to church Sunday and he said he expected to be too tired. I poor babied him but said to myself - Poor baby you really need to make an effort because I ain't biting this year.

But really - why you got to ignore a brother to garner his attention?
Don't you just hate that push-pull, come here-go away, run-catch-me mess? Let him play his game by himself, with himself.
Ugh I can't stand men who play games! I am just too old for that mess (keep in mind I'm 24 lol). Continue to enjoy your crush on yourself, you're the catch here.
Its something about the energy of you give out into the universe... and like the old cliche saying, when you want something you cant have it but when you dont want it its there...something like that lol

But yeah, thats always the case..not to mention, men apparently love the whole chasing you bit. <Mrs. Claus shrug>
Its something about the energy of you give out into the universe... and like the old cliche saying, when you want something you cant have it but when you dont want it its there...something like that lol

But yeah, thats always the case..not to mention, men apparently love the whole chasing you bit. <Mrs. Claus shrug>

@ the bolded - I believe that and I've been working on changing that vibration.
Ugh I can't stand men who play games! I am just too old for that mess (keep in mind I'm 24 lol). Continue to enjoy your crush on yourself, you're the catch here.

Stop it Baby girl! :lachen: You ain't even seented your first gray hair yet. That' s what make it kinda funny because I'm almost 1/2 century old and he's two steps behind me trying to play all these jack rabbit games.
I'm just a tad more cynical in that I think that whomever he was dealing with prior to you is no longer in the picture, so he's going through his phone contacts :look:
I'm just a tad more cynical in that I think that whomever he was dealing with prior to you is no longer in the picture, so he's going through his phone contacts :look:
Um, yeah I agree with this and it just happened to happen at the same time of your awakening.
I agree with all of the above. Keep on crushing on yourself. This guy has shown you who he is, so keep it moving and enjoy 2012.
I'm just a tad more cynical in that I think that whomever he was dealing with prior to you is no longer in the picture, so he's going through his phone contacts :look:

Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind. I am actively working on not being Cynical Sally. I can get really bad and give the man 5 wives, 14 children and bad credit all from watching him walk in the door.:lachen:

I'm working on this.
Imho, you've already given him way too much attention. If I give you my number once and you don't use're probably not interested. So why waste my time? Whats funny here is that he asked for your digits again. I wouldve told him ...''and your name is?'' in other words keep it moving! I have no time and patience for men trying to test ''if they still got it''. Go play somewhere else. I don't know why, but a lot of friends and family think that church is a good place to meet your SO but Ive always perceived it as a nono just like my workplace. I dont sh*t where I eat. I've seen way to many folks get caught up in stories because they were involved with other members of the church.