So...What did you do to your hair today?


New Member
I'm just starting with healthy hair care (2nd month) and I find it helps me develop my own regimen if I know what professionals such as yourselves are doing to their hair everyday.

That said, post what you did to your hair daily here for one week please. That way...newbies such as myself can learn and grow!

Mine regime is in my siggy card, I pretty much do that consistently, and I just revised it, I revise whenever I make a big change in products, care, vitamins. etc... There used to be a journal feature, but it hasn't been working for a while, not everyone has there regime posted, but I'll try to bump up thread.
CreoleInDC said:
I'm just starting with healthy hair care (2nd month) and I find it helps me develop my own regimen if I know what professionals such as yourselves are doing to their hair everyday.

That said, post what you did to your hair daily here for one week please. That way...newbies such as myself can learn and grow!


I enjoyed reading your site!
I'm no pro, but I'll share anyway. :) Today was day 3 of wearing my texturized hair straight (have pictures in my album). I don't workout on Monday or Tuesday so if I'm going to wear a rollerset or something this is the only time that makes sense. Right now, I'm doing a coconut oil pre-poo, then I'll wash it, deep condition for 15 minutes, then bun for the night. It will be bunned for the rest of the week.
Today I just unraveled my night-braid and moisturized the bottom half of my hair with leave in conditioner. I wear my hair in a pony-tail fastened with a barrette and a scarf in the front. Verrrry simple :)
I cowash daily, put some hemp seed butter in my hair and put it up in a loose bun or ponytail. About once a week, or when I feel like it, I'll shampoo with Dr. Bronner's (or similar) castile soap.
I'm no pro either, but I have been blessed to finally "get" my hair and I've found a routine that is working wonders for my hair.

Yesterday, I woke up and took off my Lucy Satin cap from Maverick wear. I have been applying Neosporin AF on my scalp to make my hair grow faster. I did that and then fingercombed my hair. I used a pik lightly to give a little more body. Then I went on with my day.

Last night, I was meeting my cousin for drinks and some of my strands were a little flat. I used about 3 of my Remington caresetter rollers on a few pieces of my hair. After I took out the rollers (left them in while I got dressed) I fingercombed and went out.

Before bed, I moisturized lightly and put on my sleep cap.

I do the same thing almost everyday unless it is a shampoo and/or treatment day, which is every 3 days.
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Smooches! Thank you guys so much for replying. I'm learning a lot and glad to hear some of you like reading my!

Today I moisturized my hair with my Phytospecific Hair Balm, and put mango butter on the ends. After that I put in some jojoba oil to seal in moisture and wore a bun. Tonight is wash night.
I had slacked off with keeping my hair up, growing it was not a priority for the past couple of months but now I've decided I'd like to get to BSL by mid-summer.

With that said today I greased my scalp with my hair growth stimulator massaged my scalp and brush my hair, put it in a bun.
nychaelasymone said:
neosporin AF? How does that help with hair growth?

The active ingredient makes hair grow much faster!

Look at the active ingredient in Nizoral, which some people use. It is similar.

I am having lots of success with it!
well i've kept my hair in a durag for the past 3 days with a hat on top! aint touched it! its the best condition its ever been and i'm gonna do this till the weather warms up!
Color me low-maintenance. I washed and roller-set my hair last night, then combed it out this morning. Pulled it back into a clip so I wouldn't lose the curls walking to the office, then took out the clip, shook it out and I'm good to go.

That's most every day for me. I'm trying a few products on my scalp to work on some thinning, but for everyday haircare I just let it be. It doesn't take grease and oil well at ALL.
Hi... I like you hair site... boy wish i could do that!!

Anyway.. woke up this am.. took off my silk bonnet from
applied some NTM silk touch- and NTM healing shine serum.. put some cocnut oil on my ends and slapped this 8 week post hair in a bun. Good to go..

now to do the babies head... ;)
Regarding my website. I only started the hair one so I could keep up with my progress and track the products I used to get it where it is. I'm pretty anal doing anything so OF COURSE I'd be doing something this important too. I want to grow my hair to BSL. I'm not speculating how long it will take, but I have a feeling with all the info I'm won't be difficult to do. I already notice a significant difference and I'm only in my second month of healthy hair care.

I tried to get my sister to do it with me but she's been brainwashed by stylists "Some people have growing hair and I just don't." *sigh* I'm hoping that she'll try some of the techniques and find out that ALL hair is growing hair. Heck...if you have relaxed hair and have new growth...DUH...YOU HAVE GROWING HAIR! Grrrrrrrrrrrr. :mad:
I'm a full time mom so I twisted my hair on monday night and put scarf on and have not taken it off except to put shea butter on my ends! I'm lovin' this stay at home thing!!!:lol:
hmm... i've fallen into an everyday routine with my hair (except for my dc day - either saturday or sunday of the week)... i co-wash with a mixture of mane and tail moisturizing conditioner and daily defense (either tender apple or water lily)... i detangle in the shower with my denman... when i get out of the shower, i take a little bit of daily defense to use as a leave in and work that through... i surge on the top sections, then use either Remedi anti-breakage or coconut oil on my edges... i gather my hair into a bun (using evoo soaked scrunchies), put a couple of barettes in the top for the shorter hair and tie a scarf until i'm ready to leave... i'm coming out with GREAT buns now...
SqrpioQutie said:
hmm... i've fallen into an everyday routine with my hair (except for my dc day - either saturday or sunday of the week)... i co-wash with a mixture of mane and tail moisturizing conditioner and daily defense (either tender apple or water lily)... i detangle in the shower with my denman... when i get out of the shower, i take a little bit of daily defense to use as a leave in and work that through... i surge on the top sections, then use either Remedi anti-breakage or coconut oil on my edges... i gather my hair into a bun (using evoo soaked scrunchies), put a couple of barettes in the top for the shorter hair and tie a scarf until i'm ready to leave... i'm coming out with GREAT buns now...

you and your baby r beautiful!
Rolled out of bed...didn't have time to conditioner wash/rinse (who goes out mid week when they have to be up at 6am???)......ran a little late....looked at my head...slapped on some Jamaican mango lime leave in and curly buttercreme after showering, dab of fantasia ic thick n' shine gel over the top and brushed back into my low puff. Tied down with a bandana and ran the hell out of the house...
I am on my own 30 day baggie challenge so today when I got up I:
- removed scarf
- removed baggy
- change the positon of my bun (from low to high)
- add a hairstick

then I was on my way. When I get ready for bed I moisturize, add a little oil to my baggy, cover my bun with my oiled up baggy, tie on my scarf and go to bed.
I am bunning until tomorrow.

At night I oil my hair and add a little water to it and apply the scarf method. In the morning I remove the scarf and put it in a bun. Little to no manipulation. And I am out the door. I love my bun. This has been a big help since my salon scare.
Today I washed and gave my hair a protein treatment followed by a deep conditioning. Afterwards I rollerset it. Nothing like clean strong hair :)