So Sick of Men


New Member
I met this guy. The two of us went out on a date. He made it very clear that he liked me and wanted to pursue a long term relationship. When we scheduled our next date he couldn't make it but didn't tell me until after the time I was calling him to confirm. To my surprise, he was in the hospital for internal bleeding. This man even sent me pictures of him in the hospital hooked up to the IV pole, plus pictures of his admissions and discharge sheet. Of course that was forgiven. So on yesterday he asked me to meet him at Barnes and Noble to talk. I get there and he wasn't there. I was so pissed. I have never been stood up before. This man does work two jobs 12 hours a day at UPS and 5 hours a day at the County Jail. I really don't know if I should excuse this. When I call him or either text him he doesn't answer. Today I saw that he came up on Yahoo Messenger, so I decided to send him a message. When I did, it was his sister. I asked if her brother was ok and she said that he was. I just don't understand why he is being such a pain in the butt. Should I just let it go or wait on him to contact me a give me a reason? I am just fed up with men.

Standing you up at the bookstore is INEXCUSABLE! I don't care how busy he is, he could call and let you know something, especially since he set the plans. Then he doesn't even get back to you? Girl NO
I would delete his phone number out of your phone so therefore you won't call him anymore.

Days passed since he stood you up and he never tried to contact you to just even say hi. I bet he won't have a legitimate excuse for not calling you after a few days passed.
2 things stood out:

what made him go to such great lengths to send you photos of him hooked up to an IV? Why was he so pressed to think you wouldn't believe him unless he presented proof

also, it was his sister on Yahoo? I think not. If his sister wanted to chat on Yahoo, wouldn't she just log on to her own account for that? Why would she log on as him? :confused:

Yep, I'd also say kick him to the curb
what made him go to such great lengths to send you photos of him hooked up to an IV? Why was he so pressed to think you wouldn't believe him unless he presented proof

Exactly, that's why I say he's married or at the bare minimum lives with someone.... And who takes pictures when they're in the hospital hooked up to an IV anyway?????????
Hey :wave:

Sometime we invest to much into a man before we know if he is worth investing in. Just throw him into the pile of men "I should have seen a mile coming but I didn't"

Unless a man takes the time to really know me, I am not fussed with them. A date is just a date and one or both parties can decide they don't want to take it further. He is a coward not to have call you, but not all men are like this.

Here is my rule : I don't believe anything that comes out of your mouth for the first 3 months cause all I am meeting is your representative. The person sent by you to make a good impression. I will wait till I meet the real you then decide if I want this to go into a long term thing. And believe the first signs of shadiness if he has any and make your way out.
Hey :wave:

Sometime we invest to much into a man before we know if he is worth investing in. Just throw him into the pile of men "I should have seen a mile coming but I didn't"

Unless a man takes the time to really know me, I am not fussed with them. A date is just a date and one or both parties can decide they don't want to take it further. He is a coward not to have call you, but not all men are like this.

Here is my rule : I don't believe anything that comes out of your mouth for the first 3 months cause all I am meeting is your representative. The person sent by you to make a good impression. I will wait till I meet the real you then decide if I want this to go into a long term thing. And believe the first signs of shadiness if he has any and make your way out.

I like that rule
Hey :wave:

Here is my rule : I don't believe anything that comes out of your mouth for the first 3 months cause all I am meeting is your representative. The person sent by you to make a good impression. I will wait till I meet the real you then decide if I want this to go into a long term thing. And believe the first signs of shadiness if he has any and make your way out.

This is so true.
Even though I am attached, the amount of guys that talk absolute :censored: is amazing. The always claim to be the best thing in the world, they never lie, mistakes they have made if any were way back in high/secondary school, they can make you happy, they'll never hurt you...SHUT UP.
This is so true.
Even though I am attached, the amount of guys that talk absolute :censored: is amazing. The always claim to be the best thing in the world, they never lie, mistakes they have made if any were way back in high/secondary school, they can make you happy, they'll never hurt you...SHUT UP.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:THIS IS SO TRUE THOUGH!
I met this guy. The two of us went out on a date. He made it very clear that he liked me and wanted to pursue a long term relationship. When we scheduled our next date he couldn't make it but didn't tell me until after the time I was calling him to confirm. To my surprise, he was in the hospital for internal bleeding. This man even sent me pictures of him in the hospital hooked up to the IV pole, plus pictures of his admissions and discharge sheet. Of course that was forgiven. So on yesterday he asked me to meet him at Barnes and Noble to talk. I get there and he wasn't there. I was so pissed. I have never been stood up before. This man does work two jobs 12 hours a day at UPS and 5 hours a day at the County Jail. I really don't know if I should excuse this. When I call him or either text him he doesn't answer. Today I saw that he came up on Yahoo Messenger, so I decided to send him a message. When I did, it was his sister. I asked if her brother was ok and she said that he was. I just don't understand why he is being such a pain in the butt. Should I just let it go or wait on him to contact me a give me a reason? I am just fed up with men.
Girl get him off your mind. God may be trying to do you favor, trust me. If it ain't flowin' I ain't goin'

Wasn't it Oprah who said "when someone shows you who they are believe them?" I think that applies here.
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I hate when this happens. I would let it go. Clearly he's not that interested right now. It could be because he has a lot going on right now or for other reasons. It sounds like he's seeing somebody else, IMO. If he really wants you, he'll come back around. He just better hope you haven't found his replacement by then. ;)
Not only has he stood you up but he has no regard for you. When you called to confirm the first date and he did not tell you he could not make it, that in and of itself was very rude and stupid. Also, I do not think that was his sister on his messenger. It was he himself just trying to avoid you because he could not face you.

Even if he does like you and want to be with you, this is clearly not the way YOU want to have a relationship, so move on and do not stop until you get what YOU want.
2 things stood out:

what made him go to such great lengths to send you photos of him hooked up to an IV? Why was he so pressed to think you wouldn't believe him unless he presented proof

also, it was his sister on Yahoo? I think not. If his sister wanted to chat on Yahoo, wouldn't she just log on to her own account for that? Why would she log on as him? :confused:

Yep, I'd also say kick him to the curb

Enuff said! U r right on point with this response.
For whatever reason, he's not available. Perhaps it's his internal bleeding condition, his wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, double shifts....

I wouldn't even try to figure it out. It's okay not to know the details because you know this fact:

He does not have sufficient regard for you AND as evidenced by your behavior, you don't either. I'm saying that with love and from experience. :yep:

Don't worry about kicking him to the curb, he wasn't even in the car yet. Instead, focus on you. Reread your original post and figure out why you were so available and accomodating. There's no need to be upset with him. Folks will take as much as we put out there AND give as little as we allow.

I would've had a coffee and a free read at Barnes & Noble and then bounced (unless something or someone interesting delayed my exit). No way I would've called him. He "said" it all with the no show/no call. Long term relationship, huh? Yeah, with your :blush: and wouldn't anything be long about it.

Let me step down.
