So proud of my daughter!


New Member
:grin:Yes I had to start a thread bc I am overjoyed that my daughter is learning great hair practices and its all bc of the knowledge that I've gained from you ladies.

My daughter is 11 with natural hair. I straightened her hair for back to school and tonight she was doing her hair for a braidout. She grabs the wide-toothed comb, moisturizer, grapespeed oil, and made four braids! Even put extra moisturizer on those ends! I'm so proud I could cry!!!LOL

She always ask questions about how to care for her hair. This goes to show that knowledge is power one little girl at time.

A million thanks to my LHCF fam :)
That's all kinds of awesome! Made me feel all happy and tingly for you! :lol:

Good job, Mom! :clapping:
:grin:Yes I had to start a thread bc I am overjoyed that my daughter is learning great hair practices and its all bc of the knowledge that I've gained from you ladies.

My daughter is 11 with natural hair. I straightened her hair for back to school and tonight she was doing her hair for a braidout. She grabs the wide-toothed comb, moisturizer, grapespeed oil, and made four braids! Even put extra moisturizer on those ends! I'm so proud I could cry!!!LOL

She always ask questions about how to care for her hair. This goes to show that knowledge is power one little girl at time.

A million thanks to my LHCF fam :)
...aaaah so sweet. What a proud moment for you as a mom OP. Congrats! My dd is 6 and the reason I joined LHCF in the first place. When she was born I hadn't a clue how to do her hair and so found my way here. Thanks to the helpful ladies of this forum, her hair is now tailbone and thriving. I know eventually I'll have to pass the care over to her so while I'm doing her hair, I try to comment here and there as to why I'm doing what I'm doing. Half the time she just tunes me out cause it interferes with whatever show she's watching at the but I'm hoping that eventually she'll take an interest and that one day, I'll experience a proud mom day like you just did with your dd.
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we want pictures of the hair and I wish I had this kind of info as a kid. I would have lived my life with much improved hair and self esteem. Good job.
Awwww, I'm so happy for you :)

I just had this convo with my oldest who's also 11...that this is the year that I expect her to start taking more initiative with her own hair. We tweaked her reggie, and I set up her own little product and supplies area in her bathroom lol.

I'm gonna show her your post for some added inspiration :)

KUTGW momma!
I don't post much, but I just had to say congrats and good job.

My daughter is 12 and she's just starting to get it. FINALLY she understands why we need to DC her hair. But I have a long way to go to get her to understand why she shouldn't be laying on cotton pillows with her ends out ALL the time!
It is a great feeling! DD will be 14 in two weeks and she is a mini pj (shopping my stash), loves to cowash, dc and protective style.It's good because they can pass on the knowledge to their young friends.
Awww... :love: *sniff* Can I have her lboogie2679? I'll send her back when she's 13. I promise. She sounds so precious that I'd appreciate you letting me have her for just about 2 years. That's all I'm asking for; two fleeting years...and then she's all yours again.

That is so touching!

I'm so impressed because I recently held a pool party at my house for a couple of girls from my place of worship and one in particular (who I had kind of been schooling on healthy hair practices for the past year) wanted me to place her hair in a puff. She has beautiful, curly thick hair but she's never seen it in an way other than a dry poofball. So I sectioned her hair, sprayed my water/glycerin mix, used some Shea Moisture Curl Milk, and proceeded to detangle with a large-toothed comb. She's never had her hair handled like this and, for the very first time in her life, she could actually SEE her curls. She never knew her hair was curly; she just thought it was a nappy, dry mess. The other girls were amazed and kept asking what the "white stuff" was and I kept replying that it was moisturizer to keep her hair soft. These little girls need to be schooled on proper hair care. Many of them didn't even know what moisturizer was and were surprised that I didn't detangle her hair in a dry state.

Your daughter gives me hope that these girls can eventually learn and care for their hair the way it was meant to be taken care of. :yep: