So now my hairs breaking cos its too moisturized? ARGH


New Member
why why why, my hair was happy this week, only for me to use humecto for like the 4th time running in two weeks and what happens? my hair starts snapping when damp cuz its just too moisturized!? this is crazy. its looks marvellous, but no wonder its been so oily this week, its over moisturized. so now i'm back on MNT for a while :mad: my hair is actin tempremental. its so soft it doesn't even feel like HAIR. grrr. i was drying in its pony as usual and i ran my hands down the hair and it just felt MUSHY (i thought i'd never understand the concept of 'mushy' hair) but now i do! its just TOO fluffy like cotton wool. ergh i aint used to this!

Has anyones hair broke from being TOO loved with moisturizing conditioners?

i guess its true, there IS such thing as Over Conditioning!!
I'm sorry about this. BTW you have beautiful hair. It looks super healthy and thick..... keep up the good work. :up: Using MNT is a good idea. :yep:
I ran into this problem quite some time ago. The culprit was finding the right balance of a moisturizer that wouldn't over moisturize but provide me with just what I needed. Kenra MC was what helped it overall. To this day I still get breakage if I go anywere near Nexxus Humectress. IT's just softens my hair too much.
Too much of a good thing is baaaaad! humecto is some powerful stuff, i guess i only needed to use it two-three times to get the balace right. my hair loved MNT for like 5 months but i overloaded on that too. i find it harder to overload on protein then moisturizing conditioners though..weird. my strands r streeeetching way too far. i cant even be bothered to wash it again tonight the breakage has stoped now that my hair is nearly dry, maybe i should hold out till 5 days time, or should i do it now and get it out the way? :confused: a while agao i didn't care about breakage and thought "oh its cos i'm due 4 a relaxer" but now i have to have NOT one peice broke to be satisfied! if 5 peices break i'm stressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssed :look:
I've had this problem many times. I can tell as soon as I rinse the conditioner out too. If it's too moisturized it definitely feels mushy. But protein treatment will fix it fast.
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Then again a little breakage is what I feel is somewhat normal. If your expecting not to see one little of strand of breakage then that is somewhat unreasonable. My hair is healthy as can be but on my wash days I still some a few strands of breakge. Nothing else I do from here on out and is gonna stop that.
secretdiamond said:
I'm sorry about this. BTW you have beautiful hair. It looks super healthy and thick..... keep up the good work. :up: Using MNT is a good idea. :yep:

Thanks chick, i think MNT is my saviour, the only protein i need!

this protein vs moisture thing gets me though! i dont thin ki'll ever get the "balance" i only know when my poor strands snap that i need one or the other
sareca said:
I've had this problem many times. I can tell as soon as I rinse the conditioner out too. If it's too moisturized it definitely feels mushy. But protein treatment will fix it fast.

I agree. A good protein usually helps.
Oh wow, that's why I love moisturizing conditioners like New Era because it it gives my hair enough moisture without turning my hair to mush. Yes, my hair is soft, but I don't really care for that feeling of extra soft, slippy, coated hair...I like my hair to feel like the conditioner is rinsed clean and my naturally soft, yet strong feeling hair remains ...that mushy feeling makes me feel like my hair is "fragile"

Hopefully when you switch up things will go back to normal.
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so1913 said:
Oh wow, that's why I love moisturizing conditioners like New Era because it it gives my hair enough moisture without turning my hair to mush. I don't really care for that feeling of extra soft, slippy hair, ...makes me feel like my hair is "fragile"

Hopefully when you switch up things will go back to normal.

so1913, I want to try the New Era. I keep hearing good reviews about it. Where do you purchase yours from?
Wait- there's such a thing as too much moisture?!? :eek:

I've never had that problem, and I'm not sure I would mind it! Humectress didn't leave my hair soft at all. Only Elucence MB leaves my hair the softest and I'm hooked on that stuff!

Now, "oily" is a different matter. I have had conditoners that have left my hair oily/coated feeling. (Mostly stuff w/ mineral oil in it.)

Can you describe that mushy feeling more?

Girl, I can feel your pain. I love to pamper my hair will different deep treatment moisturizers. Two weeks ago, I noticed my hair snapping in my kitchen area while wet, I could not understand it for the life of me until I remembered someone else posting that "mushy" feeling. I immediately ran for my bottle of Dudley's DRC 28 - the heaviest protein out there - and treated it.

I also ordered UBH weekly conditioner from Cahty House again figuring she had the moisture/protien balance to a science in her deep treatments.

Right now - 3 weeks post the snapping incident - my hair is thriving once again.

Good Luck!
I had this problem as well ! Never thought too much moisturizer could wreak havoc on my hair but it did !! I use to overload my hair with ORS Olive oil moisturizer, because contrarily to so1913, I looove extra soft slippery hair!!! But then it started snapping and breaking reaaaally bad !! It was disheartening !! still trying to understand this hole moisture/protein balance !
What up C!

I had this same problem. My hair started breaking from over moisture. I just started doing more protein treatments and clarified and my hair was back to normal.
aileenadq said:
Wait- there's such a thing as too much moisture?!? :eek:

I've never had that problem, and I'm not sure I would mind it! Humectress didn't leave my hair soft at all. Only Elucence MB leaves my hair the softest and I'm hooked on that stuff!

Now, "oily" is a different matter. I have had conditoners that have left my hair oily/coated feeling. (Mostly stuff w/ mineral oil in it.)

Can you describe that mushy feeling more?


hey, i wil ldescribe as best i can.

my hair doesn't feel coated or even oily, just TOOOOOO soft, and just too springy. its streeeeeeeeeeeeetching and broke a few when wet. imagine a cotton wool ball and running you finger over it and squeeze like that (excuse my methaphors!)
macherieamour said:
What up C!

I had this same problem. My hair started breaking from over moisture. I just started doing more protein treatments and clarified and my hair was back to normal.

Hey Hey MaCherieAmour,

Fellow Keracare user. THAT HUMECTO is SERIOUS! at least i can say if you have used too much protein Humecto is the seriously the way forward, but if you have mild to hardly any breakage overusing this stuff will make your hair very confused! lol - thanks, its me and a good ole' bottle of cheap protein for a few weeks now :lol:

My curls aren't defined or anything, its kinda semi straight, protein gives me more definition
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My hair gets like this when I use Dove Intense Moisture poo/con. As much as I love this stuff I can't stand the fact that my hair be snapping and popping all over the place. But it makes my hair sooooo soft and bouncy, I guess you have to sacrafice something for something sometimes :perplexed
I had this problem a few months ago, I did a treatment w/Nexxus Emergencee w/o the cap and my hair was fine again. I was moisturizing my hair 2-3 x's a day w/ BB Castor oil and mango butter, I guess once my hair hair was well moisturized I didn't pay it no mind and kept up w/that routine, I since switched my regimen a little and do Aphoghee mixed w/ EQP Intense treatment every 6 wks like clock work and DC twice a wk. In btwn wash days my hair stays moisturized from the DC and leave in. Every third wk I do a light protein treatment. My hair is happy and so am I. :)
That happened to me when i tried cowashing everyday... DOESN'T WORK fo rme... hair becomes too fragile and keeps breaking when wet.

Sometime i've cowashed every two days. that works out better, but that's the most my medium strength hair can take.

i think the best thing for me is to wash every three days. and deep condition once a week and do protein treatment every two weeks. My hair thrived like that. So i'm going back to doing that now.
Balance is the key. If I leave my Humectress on too long (like over an hour), my hair will get mushy. That is a rare event though. Like Seraca said, a protein treatment will fix it right away and strengthen the hair.

What works for my hair to keep the balance is washing and deep conditioning 2 x each week with Humectress for 30-45 minutes only (under a cap) and doing a protein treatment (Keraphix) every 5 washes or so. Because I sometimes forget when to do the protein, I now have it scheduled in on my calendar.

I have a good balance doing this with no over-conditioning or breakage.
glad you hairs getting back to normal. how do you know if a conditioner has protein in it... does it usually say it on the bottle?
naturaline said:
glad you hairs getting back to normal. how do you know if a conditioner has protein in it... does it usually say it on the bottle?

Yeh it says on the bottle, somewhere in the list.

hydrolized protein, hydrolized wheat protein, silk protein lots and lots of different ones.

theres quite a few good posts about these proteins and which ones are stronger. Have a lil search, or actually i might have a peek myself if i'm online for a while :D
I'm sorry you're having this problem Candy_C, but you may have actually helped me. My hair is breaking from too much protein. I've been using humectress, but it's just not enough. I may have to try the Humecto to get back the moisture I need.

I hope we both get back to normal real soon!
Hair Peace said:
I'm sorry you're having this problem Candy_C, but you may have actually helped me. My hair is breaking from too much protein. I've been using humectress, but it's just not enough. I may have to try the Humecto to get back the moisture I need.

I hope we both get back to normal real soon!

Yeh, get yourself some humecto, i hear that some peoples hair prefers humecto over humectress and the other way round.

i took my hair down from my durag and it hasn't broke nothin. i'm confused. its not breaking when dry, so maybe it broke cuz i was manipulating it when it was wet? lol hair is so confusing isn't it?
Thanks for this thread ladies. I just put away my beloved NTM line.This stuff makes my hair so soft that it does not feel like real hair. I added a protein treatment in with my regimine but it does not work. I love the softness that NTM gives my hair but it's just too much moisture. Until this happened I honestly did'nt think you could over moisturize your hair.