So my mom's laughing at my Jamaican Castor Oil


New Member
She starts smelling it and she's like hmm this smells familiar(with look of disgust on her face). Then she's like eeeew, it smells like its mixed with oil from the palm kernel nut(West African). You see we're Nigerian, and apparently when she was little, the kids all hated the smell, they associated it with old ladies because thats what her grandmother used for everything: hair, skin, body aches... She is like eeew, we all hated it, my mom would have to put perfume with it, because we refused to put it on. She's like so thats what ur putting on ur hair, with another look of disgust, and then I start feeling like the kid who's wearing her brand new dress to schl, and the other kids laughing at her during recess cause it has frills on it. :(
I still love my Jamaican Castor Oil, shoot if it was good enough for my great-grand ma, its good enough for me :)
I have to say that if the castor oil is what my mother used to give me when I was little to make us go to the bathroom that it does smell like ben gay so i can believe it when you say the older women put it on for body aches. Once she sees how your hair is flourishing, maybe she won't give you that look anymore.