so... my friend decided to take more care of her hair LOL


Well-Known Member
My friend called me last night and if sounded like she was driving so I asked her if she was, shes says she isnt shes just in her car conditioning her hair.


me: "huh?"
friend: "I'm conditioning my hair with heat like you said"
me: " in your car :confused:, HOW!?!"
friend: ":yep: using the hot air from the car with an Asda (walmart) grocery bag :yep:"

me: ":lachen::lachen:"

She is soooo stooopid! She said sometimes she just sits under/ beside the radiator/ heater at home :lachen::lachen:. I told her next time she could just ask to borrow my hooded dryer, or even buy one you can get them for like less than £30 now.

She even had the nerve to say "this is how black people do, we creative like that"
I was like "uh no thats just you, you crazy like that". I wonder what people were thinking lol!
Gotta love the way she thinks out the box or is it the bag! :lachen:

Either way I love her ingenuity. Make it do what it's gonna do baby! :grin:
LOL the funniest part about this to me is that she said she's doing it like you hahahaha funny how things get lost/mixed up in translation. cute story :)
My friend called me last night and if sounded like she was driving so I asked her if she was, shes says she isnt shes just in her car conditioning her hair.


me: "huh?"
friend: "I'm conditioning my hair with heat like you said"
me: " in your car :confused:, HOW!?!"
friend: ":yep: using the hot air from the car with an Asda (walmart) grocery bag :yep:"

me: ":lachen::lachen:"

She is soooo stooopid! She said sometimes she just sits under/ beside the radiator/ heater at home :lachen::lachen:. I told her next time she could just ask to borrow my hooded dryer, or even buy one you can get them for like less than £30 now.

She even had the nerve to say "this is how black people do, we creative like that"
I was like "uh no thats just you, you crazy like that". I wonder what people were thinking lol!
:lachen::lachen::lachen:That 's ingenuity right there!
Girl, your friend is out of control. Please help! That is so funny--I can't stop laughing. I have never heard this before.