Beauty IS skin deep.
Okay, I know there's a thread for a challenge for PJs somewhere around here, but I'm wanting to lift the spirit of PJs and try something new. I was going through my cabinets of products and wondering what in the world I'm going to do with all of this stuff. I have about 19 bottles of brand new conditioner that I've never used (mostly overstock of stuff I bought). I also have bottles of conditioner that have been partially used, but put in the back of the cabinet because I started using something else. So, in light of me being responsible and not just throwing or giving this stuff away (because I spent the money on it all), I'm going to make a commitment to actually using it all up. So, this is a continuation of the "PJs Just Use It Up Challenge". So, here's the deal: in order for me to use all of this stuff up, I'm going to have to switch up some things and do some things I normally wouldn't do. For example, I'll be co-washing more often to get rid of all my cheapie conditioners. I'll be mixing conditioners and other things together for prepoos. I'll be prepooing before every wash. Since I'm heavy handed with conditioner, I know it won't take me long to get rid of most of this conditioner.
So, does anyone want to join me on this challenge?
So, does anyone want to join me on this challenge?