So is the Board Going to Stay Like This??

My goodness...I'm sure the board will be better than before. Stick around, come back, but let's stop complaining and let's talk about hair! I like some of the changes...I'm sure I'll like others.

Right! You would think we were getting paid to surf this board all the time. Don't understand this at all.
I'm just gonna be patient and wait for all the changes. Although it does look kinda wacky on my BB. I'm glad they decided to do everything a week at a time, I can't go a month w/o LHCF. BUT I'm all for being picked if there is a test group somewhere in the future. I am thankful that the security is being addressed, so thank you Nikos'!
Oh my! I have recently relocated from London, England, to my beloved home country Nigeria and wrongly blamed my location for the new look of this site. I should be thoroughly ashamed of myself, the "guberment "had nothing to do with it!!
OMG, this is the best thing to come from these updates!

well i am growing more used to this new board, and i love the new 'reply with quote' feature,i can quote someone without loading a new page! yitadee! the ability to imbed videos is awesome too, so i don't have to click any links to other websites.

i just hope the link to see thanked posts comes back. ♥
It's totally Un-User Friendly.:nono:

And it looks cheap and janky.:rolleyes:

I think the necessary security changes should :yep:be made and it should return back to normal.

I've found myself limiting the time I spend, because it is just not that appealing, hard to navigate and just an overall Hotmess:lachen:

Everything you said I feel the exact same way times 10!
I chose to upgrade to the latest version. More features, better security, FASTER FORUM. Now granted the white background is a bit annoying - more to some than others. However I had a choice to make:

It seems as though it takes forever for a link to connect. Sometimes the link I click does not connect to the correct link. Some other link connection shows up or nothing happens. I hope that this is a part of the construction process...le sigh.
It seems as though it takes forever for a link to connect. Sometimes the link I click does not connect to the correct link. Some other link connection shows up or nothing happens. I hope that this is a part of the construction process...le sigh.

This is more of an issue for me than the layout changes....I find myself in different forums and in totally different threads when I try to go to the next page in a thread I am reading....also, why are the pop-up ads so big now? Sometimes I can't find the close button on my browser because of the size of the ad.....I know I sound whiney.....
What popup ads? This board does not have popup ads. The only ads we have come from Google and they are at the following locations:

1. horizontal - below the top navigation bar
2. vertical - at the top of the right sidebar
3. vertical - two link ads at the bottom of the right sidebar
4. horizontal - below the listing of all threads when you view a forum
5. right blogs sidebar two ads one at the top and one middle medium size.

Any other ads are only visible to non subscribers. If you are seeing popups then that is not right. It might be malware in your computer or something else. Please give me more information as well as screenshots so that we can fix this.

Will do..Maybe it's malware in my PC, but sometimes when I open a new thread or try to navigate to the next page in a thread, a HUGE ad takes over my screenspace. I am a paid subscriber and the ads m/b from google, but they pop-up on my screen and take over the entire screenspace...I hope it's not some kind of malware...I'll try to get a screenshot...
This new format is taking some getting used to. If I could only change one thing, I would make the text size bigger. Right now, it's so tiny my eyes get sore trying to read it. I changed the setting on my computer to make the internet text as large as possible, but it just makes the text on this site a readable size and the text on every other site I go to too large.

I think is very easy to read because it has a large text size and sequential posts are slightly different colors.

And my last critique would be to make the header where the join date, post count etc are located smaller. It seems harder to scroll through and read the thread when the headers are so big.

Other than that I like the changes...except for the like button. lol. I'm trying not to complain too much, but a thanks button and a like button seems redundant.

Ok I'm officially done complaining. :) But I think a large part of the success of this site was because of it's easy readability and some of the new changes make it very hard to read.
LHCF is still the best site. I'm happy to log on. I was crazy when I could not log on the day the changes started. No way could I take a month of it.:cry2::nono: Thank you Nikos! :yep:
Will do..Maybe it's malware in my PC, but sometimes when I open a new thread or try to navigate to the next page in a thread, a HUGE ad takes over my screenspace. I am a paid subscriber and the ads m/b from google, but they pop-up on my screen and take over the entire screenspace...I hope it's not some kind of malware...I'll try to get a screenshot...

I haven't seen any "pop-ups," but I do see a big add in the original post of a thread sometimes since we got the new layout. I usually check to make sure that I'm logged in. When I am logged in, I don't see as many ads.
^^^ This is what I meant..these HUGE ads that take over my screen when I open a, My bad for calling them pop-ups.. all I know is that they were popping up and taking over my screen....interestingly and thankfully, this problem has decreased within the past few days..I didn't notice if it made a difference if I was logged in out not....
One thing is for sure - you will see a lot more ads if you are not logged in or just a registered member.

If you are a subscribed member, then the ads are reduced significantly.

After most of the upgrades remaining are done (search, caching, new template etc.) I am going to start playing with different configurations so as to reduce the number of advertisements as much as possible for subscribed members.
It will be with the new style.

The new style will be the same in dimensions etc. as our previous style. So after that is done I don't want to hear any complaints :P :D:D:D:D:D
Hi Nikos,

Can we have the find all thanked posts feature back? It's an easy way to get back to the convo you were having and go back to the last comment you read at the same time.

Can we have all the thanks listed under the post like it used to be instead of saying 10 other people thank it too.

It used to say something like 10 people thank so and so for this useful post. Can you return the poster's name somewhere back at the bottom of the post? Sometimes I don't check who wrote the post before I read it so it would nice if the poster's name were somewhere at the end instead of having to scroll back up to the top of the post to see who wrote it.
Every time I come to this form the page loads, but with errors on the page. Please help!

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2)
Timestamp: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 18:16:29 UTC

Message: Unterminated string constant
Line: 3
Char: 122
Code: 0
The site keeps freezing/slow to go from page to page or view different threads

Thanked/Thanks are these coming back as you can track post that way

So far i can only see my post i made during the new update of the website old post or threads i cant view will this change so you can view old post??