So I'm ending my stretch soon...


Well-Known Member
...and I need y'all's advice. I have finally come out of years of my lurker-dom because I’m having so much anxiety about this. Nobody understands my hair obsession like you ladies would :hug3:. So without further ado, let’s get into it.

So my birthday is coming up in about a month or so. In my typical hair obsessed way, I've already started planning my next relaxer for my b-day. Now some background about my hair: I started relaxing my hair at home almost a year ago. The first two tries I attempted doing it myself and it was a major fail. Tons of under processed hair in the back and texlaxed hair up front. Had the stylist whom I've been going to for years correct everything my next touch up. Still determined to master self-relaxing so for my next TU I dragged my dear mother into it (lemme tell ya, lots of complaining and arguing ensued haha I am VERY picky with how I do my hair). Results came out great. I’ve basically been doing my self-relaxing this way each time with my mom’s help. But the problem is she complains. Every. Single. Time. She hates, hates, HATES helping me with my relaxers and only does it because I shamelessly beg, plead, and nag until she gives in. Don’t judge me :look::lol:

Anyway, I was talking to her about this next stretch today and she told me she will “treat” me for my birthday by paying to get my hair done at the salon. This was seriously my face: :lachen: Then when she just stared at me, I was like oh... you're serious?! :perplexed . I know she tunes me out half the time when I talk about hair but come on! After how much I’ve talked about wanting to be a 100% DIY, you still want me to go to the salon?? Argh.

While I’ll continue to pester her about it up until then, I really think there’s a good possibility she may not help me this time. And the problem with that is I can’t do all this hair by myself. I’ve tried and it just didn’t work. Now, just to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with my stylist. He’s great, in fact. It’s just that… nobody can do your hair like you, ya know? He’s good with my hair but I’m better with it. Not bragging, just stating fact. I have changed how I do things with my hair as well since I’ve stopped going to him so I do have concerns. Can I talk to him about it? Of course. But does that mean I think he’ll still do it the way I want? No idea. And that’s what I’m most concerned with. I can’t afford any unnecessary setbacks, especially considering how my hair grows slower than molasses. I would be very, very upset...

So here’s my question: should I go to the salon if my mother insists on not helping me this TU and hope everything will turn out like I want? Or just suck it up and attempt to do my TU myself regardless? TIA ladies! :yep:
Go to the salon. Being a diy is ok, but this is your bday and your mom is treating. Avoid the drama and possible setback and just get it done.