So I went to my dad's funeral today....

I see what you mean now. Thanks for explaining. I am sure God can provide what you need. I would say you've been relying on him already and you should continue to do so.

Have you sought out a godly mentor?


Well, he was a good dad but he didnt cover me the way I needed. Meaning protect me from potential suitors, treat me about my worth the way I understand now, or give me the Word. My parents have been divorced for years but he lived very close.

It wasnt until the night before he passed that I realized how much I needed from him that I didnt get. I am sure he did his best though. The next morning, he died. Which kind of leaves me feeling like "God I know you have me covered and you are a father to the fatherless, but I feel wide open to making mistakes with picking a mate."
I dont know. I just wish I had a very godly man (older, married for 20+years, in his 60s or something) to guide me a little so I dont repeat the mistakes I've made in the past.
I see what you mean now. Thanks for explaining. I am sure God can provide what you need. I would say you've been relying on him already and you should continue to do so.

Have you sought out a godly mentor?

Thank you!

I have, silently though...Which I guess isnt very effective. I look for natural progression of relationship building instead of asking but I guess I need to speak up or shut up huh?
Thank you!

I have, silently though...Which I guess isnt very effective. I look for natural progression of relationship building instead of asking but I guess I need to speak up or shut up huh?

No, I think it's quite alright to do some praying first. It's so powerful. I would say God is working on bringing someone into your life right now. Just be on the lookout for when you should speak up. :yep:
So sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I will lift you up in prayer. May the Holy Spirit comfort you and encourage you through these times. Have faith that one day you will see your father again.
Prettyface, I am just reading this. I am soooo sorry for your lost. I'm glad to see that several ladies gave you the best scriptures to help you through this time.


I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to hear about your father. Just know all of our loving arms are wrapped around you in your time of need.
My heart goes out to you and yours. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how you are feeling. I lost my dad almost 3 years ago. I miss him terribly. Keep the faith and God bless.
Yeah I know I didnt say anything. I didn't want the attention. But it all hit me at once and I'm just like so sad. I rarely get sad. I guess I never lost someone this close to me.
It wasn't a surprise. He's been sick a long time.
Just so you guys know...he lived with HIV for 20 years. He was unfaithful to my mother and a few years after she had me, he contracted it. Glory to God she was spared from getting it. He was a good dad but God will allow you to act a fool with mercy and grace but so long.

If your husband cheating, get tested and stop having sex with him. Alot of wives aren't so lucky to not contract the same their husbands bring home.[/quo

Thank you for sharing