So I went to my dad's funeral today....


Well-Known Member
And today sucks! He passed last weekend so I havent been on here much. The service was very dignified, beautiful, orderly. Alot of loved ones and such...

I didnt know I would feel like I'll miss him so much. I was afraid he didnt know the Lord. But his brother (my uncle) told me he does. Amen...Praise God for that!

What do I do for spiritual covering? People are available but who can I trust my covering too... sucks!:sad:
I am so sorry!
May God bless and comfort you and your family!

Is. 49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands...
I did not know you were going thru this. I am so sorry you lost your dad :hug2: .

Neither did I. :bighug: I am so sorry and I pray that you will find solace in knowing that your dad is in the face of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

Both my dad and my mom are no longer with me. It still pains me at times because I miss them sooooooo much. What helps me is to cry and talk to God about it....He is the only one that is able to get you through those dark today.

Let the memory of your dad be a candle upon a hill for you today...let it shine brightly and allow your memories of him to make you smile.

I know the Lord will comfort you right now, in the name of Jesus!

Praying for you and you know you can call on me:yep:
Hey Prettyfaceanb, I didn't know your father passed away. You are such a sweet person on this board. My sincere condolences go to you and your family.
Yeah I know I didnt say anything. I didn't want the attention. But it all hit me at once and I'm just like so sad. I rarely get sad. I guess I never lost someone this close to me.
It wasn't a surprise. He's been sick a long time.
Just so you guys know...he lived with HIV for 20 years. He was unfaithful to my mother and a few years after she had me, he contracted it. Glory to God she was spared from getting it. He was a good dad but God will allow you to act a fool with mercy and grace but so long.

If your husband cheating, get tested and stop having sex with him. Alot of wives aren't so lucky to not contract the same their husbands bring home.
OH pretty - I am so sorry that you're going through this. There is probably nothing I can say to make things better but I'll keep you in my prayers.

Please tell me what you mean by "spiritual covering?"
I know there's nothing that we can say to heal your hurt. My dad passed when I was much younger and sometimes it still hurts. Allow yourself to grieve and tell God how you feel. He's the only one that can hold you and comfort you the way that you need to be right now.

Praise God that your dad went to be with Jesus.
Many of us understand your hurt and we're offering love and support for you and your family today.
So sorry to know you have lost your father. I pray God gives you the strength to endure. Spiritual Covering..that I do not know about but perhaps you could send a PM to Shimmie who most likely understands what this involves.
Spiritual covering...or head..

1 Corinthians 11:3
International Standard Version
Now I want you to realize that the Messiah is the head of every man, and man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of the Messiah.
Spiritual covering...or head..

1 Corinthians 11:3
International Standard Version
Now I want you to realize that the Messiah is the head of every man, and man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of the Messiah.

Pretty - I am still not sure I understand.

Did you say your father was your spiritual covering before he passed? What does a spiritual covering do?

I have not heard very much of this which is why I'm asking. :)
And today sucks! He passed last weekend so I havent been on here much. The service was very dignified, beautiful, orderly. Alot of loved ones and such...

I didnt know I would feel like I'll miss him so much. I was afraid he didnt know the Lord. But his brother (my uncle) told me he does. Amen...Praise God for that!

What do I do for spiritual covering? People are available but who can I trust my covering too... sucks!:sad:

Fear not! Your covering comes from the Blood Of Jesus Christ. :yep:

I am so sorry for your loss. :rosebud:
Spiritual covering...or head..

1 Corinthians 11:3
International Standard Version
Now I want you to realize that the Messiah is the head of every man, and man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of the Messiah.

In my opinion, waiting for your husband, if you are not an adult your spiritual covering becomes your mother; if you are an adult, your spiritual covering, like for the widow, is Jesus-Christ.
God bless you!
Well, he was a good dad but he didnt cover me the way I needed. Meaning protect me from potential suitors, treat me about my worth the way I understand now, or give me the Word. My parents have been divorced for years but he lived very close.

It wasnt until the night before he passed that I realized how much I needed from him that I didnt get. I am sure he did his best though. The next morning, he died. Which kind of leaves me feeling like "God I know you have me covered and you are a father to the fatherless, but I feel wide open to making mistakes with picking a mate."
I dont know. I just wish I had a very godly man (older, married for 20+years, in his 60s or something) to guide me a little so I dont repeat the mistakes I've made in the past.
Pretty, I am so sorry you are going thru this. I will be praying for you. Do you have a pastor or somebody that you can talk to for guidance?
:kiss: PrettyFace, I'm so sorry to hear of this. You are loved so much. Your dad gave life to a very beautiful girl, both inside and out.

I can only imagine just how proud he is of you, with his heart beaming down from Heaven with the pride of a father for his daughter. You will never be alone, dearest one. You are completely surrounded by the love of two fathers, your Dad and God our Father forever. :love2:
Yeah I know I didnt say anything. I didn't want the attention. But it all hit me at once and I'm just like so sad. I rarely get sad. I guess I never lost someone this close to me.
It wasn't a surprise. He's been sick a long time.
Just so you guys know...he lived with HIV for 20 years. He was unfaithful to my mother and a few years after she had me, he contracted it. Glory to God she was spared from getting it. He was a good dad but God will allow you to act a fool with mercy and grace but so long.

If your husband cheating, get tested and stop having sex with him. Alot of wives aren't so lucky to not contract the same their husbands bring home.

:bighug: :grouphug2: :bighug:
Neither did I. :bighug: I am so sorry and I pray that you will find solace in knowing that your dad is in the face of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

Both my dad and my mom are no longer with me. It still pains me at times because I miss them sooooooo much. What helps me is to cry and talk to God about it....He is the only one that is able to get you through those dark today.

Let the memory of your dad be a candle upon a hill for you today...let it shine brightly and allow your memories of him to make you smile.

I know the Lord will comfort you right now, in the name of Jesus!

Praying for you and you know you can call on me:yep:
:bighug: .......
Pretty, I am so sorry you are going thru this. I will be praying for you. Do you have a pastor or somebody that you can talk to for guidance?

Not men unfortunately at this time. Well, I have a brother and uncles but they live so far away. Maybe, Im just having a pity party right now...Maybe, its a phase...
Not men unfortunately at this time. Well, I have a brother and uncles but they live so far away. Maybe, Im just having a pity party right now...Maybe, its a phase...

Not a pity party at all. You are grieving, so give yourself time to grieve and just allow God to be your covering and comfort. I'll pray for you now!
You always know what to say...Thank you Shimmie!

:kiss: PrettyFace, I'm so sorry to hear of this. You are loved so much. Your dad gave life to a very beautiful girl, both inside and out.

I can only imagine just how proud he is of you, with his heart beaming down from Heaven with the pride of a father for his daughter. You will never be alone, dearest one. You are completely surrounded by the love of two fathers, your Dad and God our Father forever. :love2:
Not a pity party at all. You are grieving, so give yourself time to grieve and just allow God to be your covering and comfort. I'll pray for you now!

Thank you. I dont know even understanding grieving but I guess thats what I am going through. I always try to be strong but maybe I shouldnt be right now.
You too Nice and Wavy! Thank you for this..

Neither did I. :bighug: I am so sorry and I pray that you will find solace in knowing that your dad is in the face of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

Both my dad and my mom are no longer with me. It still pains me at times because I miss them sooooooo much. What helps me is to cry and talk to God about it....He is the only one that is able to get you through those dark today.

Let the memory of your dad be a candle upon a hill for you today...let it shine brightly and allow your memories of him to make you smile.

I know the Lord will comfort you right now, in the name of Jesus!

Praying for you and you know you can call on me:yep:
And today sucks! He passed last weekend so I havent been on here much. The service was very dignified, beautiful, orderly. Alot of loved ones and such...

I didnt know I would feel like I'll miss him so much. I was afraid he didnt know the Lord. But his brother (my uncle) told me he does. Amen...Praise God for that!

What do I do for spiritual covering? People are available but who can I trust my covering too... sucks!:sad:
prettyfaceANB, I lost my mom 6 years ago and I totally understand about the "covering". You know I really miss her and her prayers over me. You will be alright baby. God will not forget you because your dad is gone. The Father is your covering (Psalms 91). He will continue to guide and protect you, just continue to trust HIM for total guidance. Besides, we are your sisters in Christ - we will keep you covered. Love you sweetie and please accept my condolences.
prettyfaceANB, I lost my mom 6 years ago and I totally understand about the "covering". You know I really miss her and her prayers over me. You will be alright baby. God will not forget you because your dad is gone. The Father is your covering (Psalms 91). He will continue to guide and protect you, just continue to trust HIM for total guidance. Besides, we are your sisters in Christ - we will keep you covered. Love you sweetie and please accept my condolences.

Thank you Aggie. That was beautiful...Sorry for your lost as well...