so...i was on youtube...(please read)

Black Hoya Chick

New Member
because instead of going to bed i was watching videos of how black women (relaxed and natural) straighten their hair. not for tips (i have my method down pretty much) but just to see. and it saddens me to see how little a lot of women know about hair care. using grease and oil to straighten. no heat protectant. going over sections 5+ times (on what looks to me like already straight hair before the process started). cheapie flat irons. no control over heat settings. straightening on high heat clearly heat damaged hair. the list goes on.

it also saddens me because that was me a little less than a year ago. and i can't believe how HORRIBLE i treated my hair. it is crazy. having all of the knowledge i have now, i want to cry when i think back. i used my flat iron DAILY with no protectant. dirty hair didn't care. i wanted BONE STRAIGHT at all times. just a hot mess. for real. i am so grateful for the hair forums i found (this, BHM, NC, Nappturality). My hair thanks me daily: it has never been this long and healthy. And these boards gave me the courage and support i needed to embrace my natural texture and begin transitioning. Thanks. Like for real. I feel like running out everyday and educating anyone who will listen and/or telling them to get onto these boards ASAP.

I just had to get that off my chest. phew. ok.

...visit my blog LOL
aw....just like anything on youtube, you have to take the good with the bad, I guess. I'm a youtube addict & the ladies I subscribe to have pretty healthy regimens, but some times I run across a video and I am like :nono:. lol, but I used to have some bad habits myself.

I stopped by your blog! I bookmarked it to read later.
Girl a lot of my friends have that problem.

I live by flat ironing, but I take care of my hair so I've never really had a problem, and all the problems I had I grew and learned from it. But I'm thinking about using coconut oil to flat iron with, but I hate using oil to flat iron with because the products are too heavy on my hair and weigh my hair down. I like to have bounce when my hair is straight.
I'll try coconut oil to see how it works.

just rub it in sparingly and your hair will be soft, shiny and it wont be a bone dry straightening job, I think with all that heat-the oil helps protect it

but used lightly your hair will still be light and swing/move