So I was all Gung-Ho to get the BKT and.....


Well-Known Member
Two Hairdressers recommended that I pass :sad::cry3::cry3:

I just knew I was getting it done !!! Had my money ready for a new flat iron and everything.

She said since I have fine textured hair not to do it.

Has anyone with fine hair had success with BKT??

I was really hoping to transition with this treatment.
Really? I'm shocked. Would the treatment be too harsh for your hair? I thought it was recommended to strengthen all hair types.?.
I had a Dominican stylist tell me I shouldn't do it because I have kinky natural hair and I was unwilling to get a relaxer first. My hair is very fine 4a/b and I've had nothing but great results since my bkt. My hair sheds less, I have almost no breakage and my hair is so easy to detangle, wash, etc, it's awesome.

As soon as that stylist told me that, I decided I was going to do it myself. I figured I trust myself more with my hair than anyone else. I researched bkt like crazy and decided I wanted to do it. I figure if it can be used (and is actually beneficial to hair) that is in a damaged, color treated, over processed state, then it couldn't do much to harm my healthy, albeit fine, hair.

You're really gonna have to make your own choice in this. If you trust the stylist then go with their recommendation. But if you really feel that they don't know your hair well enough to say, one way or the other, then make a choice based on what you know about your hair.
Good post, hopefully others will chime in and shed some light. Hope it works out for you should you decide to do it.
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hmm, doesn't sound like a good excuse to me. i don't have fine hair, but from how i hear it coats and adds strength, it sounds perfect for fine hair
Two Hairdressers recommended that I pass :sad::cry3::cry3:

I just knew I was getting it done !!! Had my money ready for a new flat iron and everything.

She said since I have fine textured hair not to do it.

Has anyone with fine hair had success with BKT??

I was really hoping to transition with this treatment.

I had GREAT success with the BKT that I just did Thursday. Its funny because I did not realize how fine my strands were till I saw them post BKT. I am 100% natural, with split ends, and my hair LOVES it. My hair is smooth, silky, shiny. The SWANG is not to be believed. Girl, I suggest that you DIY like I did...OOOOOkay :yep:
I had GREAT success with the BKT that I just did Thursday. Its funny because I did not realize how fine my strands were till I saw them post BKT. I am 100% natural, with split ends, and my hair LOVES it. My hair is smooth, silky, shiny. The SWANG is not to be believed. Girl, I suggest that you DIY like I did...OOOOOkay :yep:

Does ur hair look too fine?? like does it look really thin?? that's my only concern. I know my hair is kinda thin, and I don't wanna look like I have ten strands of hair on my head...
I tried to get this done last year and was told by the stylist it would be a waste of my time and money, because my hair would revert the second I washed it.

I went and purchased a lacefront instead.

I'll try it again on my own soon enough.
Hmmmm. I haven't met anyone yet regardless of their hair type that wasn't an awesome candidate for BKT. I believe that anyone with hair growing from their head can benefit from this treatment regardless of type. Hmmmm.

If you are natural when you wash your hair it will curl but the curls will be well defined loser and more moisturized. Your hair will be easier to style and straight styles will stay straighter longer.
^^^ I think that, the reason we're so discouraged by others about the BKT is because they don't want to do all the "extra work" our hair would require to straighten without charging us more. And as they don't think they would be able to squeeze more from us than others due to the price, they just send us off on our merry way.
^^^ I think that, the reason we're so discouraged by others about the BKT is because they don't want to do all the "extra work" our hair would require to straighten without charging us more. And as they don't think they would be able to squeeze more from us than others due to the price, they just send us off on our merry way.
I was kinda thinking the same thing. It does take a little extra effort to BKT Natural hair but hey you're making like $300 or more from the service. I don't see what the big deal is. Some stylist can be so lazy.:nono:
Being a fine-haired woman myself, I wouldn't dismiss what she said entirely out of hand. I have come to the conclusion that I DID experience some breakage when I did my BKT, not shedding as I had originally thought. However, it could all be co-incidental but I was a little freaked to be honest. I will do it again but I think I'll wait 4 months, to try again, so that my hair is a little stronger.

On the plus side though, my hair is SOOOO soft and has lots of shine. It would never get this soft when I was using a relaxer. I am 5 months post-relaxer and have just over 1 inch (2.5cm) of re-growth.

The choice is entirely yours. As someone has suggested maybe do a patch test first and see how your hair fares. I wish you all the best, whatever your decision.

Thanks to everyone who responded. I agree with much of what has been mentioned.

1. The stylist wasn't interested in doing it because of all of the time it would take. It was a small shop with 2 women working and plenty of clients.

2. She may not have been very experienced doing it

3. She was only charging between $80-$150 for the treatment so at the end of the day 2-3 clients would have easily replaced this fee versus spending 4 hours on my hair.

I really want to go natural and wanted this to help with my transition.

I will try again in a few weeks.
Does ur hair look too fine?? like does it look really thin?? that's my only concern. I know my hair is kinda thin, and I don't wanna look like I have ten strands of hair on my head...

Its not really fine but there no denying that it ISN'T thick -- AT ALL
I get nice volume with rollersets with very little product and if I blow dry it myself but I was nervous that maybe it would look like 10 strands once flat ironed so I agreed and let her tex lax my hair.:sad:
there was a link that pink skates posted that basically said that just because bkt is a protectant, you can still suffer from heat damage. you can still get it, you just have to go to someone who knows how much heat to use while processing (ie how high a temp and how many passes of the flat iron)the hair. those with thicker hair can use the 450/ 10 pass procedure. those with fine hair cannot. there are ladies on here that have used around 400 degrees and only passed the iron 4-6 times. i have very fine hair and am actually going to get bkt (in late June) to help with my straightening. because my hair is so fine/thin, many times when my hair is straightened i end up with those white bulbs on the end of my hair which ends in breakage. i have to do more research but the bkt that i plan on usiing (I BELIEVE, AGAIN I HAVE TO DO SOME MORE RESEARCH) says to use the iron around 360 and do about 6 passes of the iron. As some ladies in other threads have pointed out, you can tell how many passes are enough by the way the hair starts to feel.
there was a link that pink skates posted that basically said that just because bkt is a protectant, you can still suffer from heat damage. you can still get it, you just have to go to someone who knows how much heat to use while processing (ie how high a temp and how many passes of the flat iron)the hair. those with thicker hair can use the 450/ 10 pass procedure. those with fine hair cannot. there are ladies on here that have used around 400 degrees and only passed the iron 4-6 times. i have very fine hair and am actually going to get bkt (in late June) to help with my straightening. because my hair is so fine/thin, many times when my hair is straightened i end up with those white bulbs on the end of my hair which ends in breakage. i have to do more research but the bkt that i plan on usiing (I BELIEVE, AGAIN I HAVE TO DO SOME MORE RESEARCH) says to use the iron around 360 and do about 6 passes of the iron. As some ladies in other threads have pointed out, you can tell how many passes are enough by the way the hair starts to feel.

Which one are you thinking about using?
^^^ I think that, the reason we're so discouraged by others about the BKT is because they don't want to do all the "extra work" our hair would require to straighten without charging us more. And as they don't think they would be able to squeeze more from us than others due to the price, they just send us off on our merry way.

:yep:Exactly what she said, I found out about this almost two years ago and was trying desperately to find someone to do it for me (2007/2008):nono: especially when I came with my nappy naps. To a certain extent I get it when I was doing the guinea pig's (sister) big nuggin I almost gave up, she has wayyyy too much hair.

BUT, if you have fine hair (like me) this is for you. Will update my fotki with second treatment end of this week so you can see my hair looks fuller already