So I tried cassia today


New Member
I jumped on the henna bandwagon after such rave reviews about it. At first I was like "what's the difference?), but after I finished my roller set (my first one--it looked halfway decent) my hubby asked if I had some type of oil in my hair because it was so shiny. You guys may be on to something...

I added some EVOO to combat the dryness and DC'd with NTM mixed with peppermint oil, EVOO, honey and cayenne pepper. My hair wasn't as moisturized as usual, but I will keep playing around with moisturizers until I find one that will give me that silky feeling I love so much.
i also tried the clear henna, no colour supposedly, twice now. The first time for 30 mins under the dryer and 2nd time overnight. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea.
I rinsed it out and had lots tangles, i DC'd, rinsed and when i put in my leave-in to detangle, my hair felt SO much better!
I airdried in bantu knots and they almost dried straight!?!
I think my henna is started to have an effect as far as detangling and loosening curls, and i will continue to use until this batch runs out.
Congrats. Where did you order your cassia from and how much did you use? I am really interested in adding cassia into my routine for the new year, and am trying to get as much info as possible.
I got my cassia from that that everyone recommends (not sure about the spelling). I got the amount for shoulder length hair but only used half of it and still had some left over. I covered my hair with plastic wrap and a plastic cap and let it sit for about 1 hour. I may try for two hours next time, but I had to get ready for work. I am not sure about the texture changes yet. I will let you know as I use if more frequently.
Congrats! :dance7: I LoVE shiny hair. Keep working with it. It pays. I actually had to replace the hair in my UPA because it wasn't as shiny has my real hair. :eek:
B_Phlyy said:
Congrats. Where did you order your cassia from and how much did you use? I am really interested in adding cassia into my routine for the new year, and am trying to get as much info as possible.

Mehandi, she's out of ohio. the owner's name is catherine. On her site, you can learn about baq henna, amla, cassia. So far she's the quickest and best. If you have hair to shoulders only get the 100g, if you have closer to bra strap, get the next up if you want to have multiple uses it's up to you. I make a batch at a time. They talk of what to use, if you are looking for color, or if you just want shine. Very informative site. She does have small samples that you can pay $1 for. They are VERY small, but you can do a strand test w/ your shead hair or hair from a brush. They also have a forum, that you can post your questions on and such. I love the site. She has the best baq henna, I think. I am still looking to find Jamilla henna from her or another vendor associated w/ her. Good luck to you, hope that helped.:D
sareca said:
I actually had to replace the hair in my UPA because it wasn't as shiny has my real hair. :eek:

:shocked: That's awesome!!

@InJesusName...stick with'll love it more and more! :yep:
B_Phlyy said:
Congrats. Where did you order your cassia from and how much did you use? I am really interested in adding cassia into my routine for the new year, and am trying to get as much info as possible.

Not the original poster but i got mine at I haven't used it yet cause i am still using up my henna from them- i'm halfway thru the bag. Once you click on the site- on the right hand side- click on henna powder and go from there. They carry Light Moutain henna. I had a great experience dealing with them and the henna is great. I have collarbone length hair and i use 3 tbls. of henna, 1.5 tbls amalaki, 1.5 tbls of Fo-ti powder, some ground cloves, a little red wine, and some honey. I apply with a relaxer applicator brush, then put on a thin plastic cap and a satin scarf on top. I leave it on overnite or for a min of six hours.
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ajargon02 said:
Mehandi, she's out of ohio. the owner's name is catherine. On her site, you can learn about baq henna, amla, cassia. So far she's the quickest and best. If you have hair to shoulders only get the 100g, if you have closer to bra strap, get the next up if you want to have multiple uses it's up to you. I make a batch at a time. They talk of what to use, if you are looking for color, or if you just want shine. Very informative site. She does have small samples that you can pay $1 for. They are VERY small, but you can do a strand test w/ your shead hair or hair from a brush. They also have a forum, that you can post your questions on and such. I love the site. She has the best baq henna, I think. I am still looking to find Jamilla henna from her or another vendor associated w/ her. Good luck to you, hope that helped.:D

Thanks a lot for your post. I was looking for the site that offered samples but couldn't remember which one it was. My hair isn't very long, so I probably would just get the 100g and make mutliple batches.