So,I got up the nerve to BC (a few pics)


Well-Known Member
I have been meaning to BC since the summer, but I kept chickening out.
I finally decided to just go ahead and do it. I got tired of dealing with the two textures every week when I washed and DC'd my hair.

The first 3 are of my hair with no product.

The last I blow dried out with a little Elasta QP leave in.

I couldn't have done it without you guys. Looking at all the beautiful heads of natural hair inspired me !!!!




Congratulations, you look good..feeling free? Forget that blow dryer{it tempted me too the third week after I removed my twists but I resisted}, put some good moisturizing leave-in then go with your natural texture for a little while..twists will be so pretty and show off your texture.
Congratulations, you look good..feeling free? Forget that blow dryer{it tempted me too the third week after I removed my twists but I resisted}, put some good moisturizing leave-in then go with your natural texture for a little while..twists will be so pretty and show off your texture.

I might just do that. I have been wearing my hair braided under wigs, but now that I don't have two textures, I am so tempted to just wear it out now!

And I do feel free..weird, huh?LOL.
Congrats on the BC!!! Welcome to the natural side. You and your new hair look great!! Come join us in the BC Thread Tracker to live, learn, and laugh about this new natural hair lifestyle.