So, I cut it...who wants to join me?


New Member
Hey y'all,

I've been struggling ever since I texlaxed with split ends upon split ends, a color change, the damage works. I was trying to hold on, but I just decided that now was the time to cut it. I feel better, my hair feels better and I know it will grow back. It made me feel much lighter. The stylist was great and very understanding. I got at least 3 inches cut.

So, who's joining me? Do you need to get rid of rough, frazzled, split ends? Here's to happy growing!

P.S. I am fully expecting a one star and no replies. *lol*
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Yeahhh! :yep: Good for you! I always say, there is NO point in having long hair if it looks like ish. There is nothing to brag about. I don't care if its APL, WL, or whatever. If it's not healthy, what's the point?

I cut mine because it was starting to look "blah" and I got sick of always putting it in a "protective style" because I didn't know how to take care of it. Now that i joined LHCF, it's on. My hair is gonna grow to my behind and it WILL be healthy.

Good luck!
Good for you! As I transition, I'm cutting gradually, inch by inch, so I'm already there with you.
I am seriously considering cutting about 2 inches. I'm hoping to ease my transition and I need something new.:ohwell:
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I'm with you, but not until January. I plan to get 1/2"-1" trimmed off. It will be 6 months from my last trim and I plan to trim every 6 months from now on :grin:.
I TOTALLY feel you! I cut off roughly 2" of bad, dead, dry, damaged see through ends in Sept. My hair LOVES me for it and has been showing be gratitude. The hair I cut off has pretty much all grown back and my curls are POPPIN :yay:

Everyone raves about dusting (which is necessary for length), but every so often you need a good old fashion heavy duty trim :lachen:

Happy Hair Growing!!!
P.S. I am fully expecting a one star and no replies. *lol*

Awwwww! I gave you some stars. I think it's the first time I ever rated a thread.

I have not had a professional trim in four months so I probably will have to join you with before the end of the year.
Congrats, i had to cut my hair last year, due to damaged texturized hair, my hair is so much healthier now.
I LOVE cutting, so I would happily join you, IF I hadn't just chopped off all my hair, against my head, mid June. Excited about your healthy hair though!
I TOTALLY feel you! I cut off roughly 2" of bad, dead, dry, damaged see through ends in Sept. My hair LOVES me for it and has been showing be gratitude. The hair I cut off has pretty much all grown back and my curls are POPPIN :yay:

Everyone raves about dusting (which is necessary for length), but every so often you need a good old fashion heavy duty trim :lachen:

Happy Hair Growing!!!
I'm with you girl! My touchup is tomorrow afternoon and I know what needs to be done even though it makes me wanna cry cause it was just starting to look "long". You know, the back land right between armpit and brastrap. I'm hoping I'll only need to take off 2 inches but we'll see. No matter what though, I am dead set on making full even brastrap by June of 2008 :yep:.