many times did you get weave-checked this Memorial Day weekend?


Well-Known Member
It happened to me four times by three different people at two picnics.

My grandmom's BFF stared at me the whole time then said, "Your hair looks nice. If you don't mind me asking, cuz you know how we do sometimes, is that all your hair?" I told her it was and she said, "It looks very pretty." I just :lachen:.

Then at my ex-BF's picnic, his mom walked past me and while patting my head as I sat on the couch, said, "Ooh, this is your real hair? Wow!" Then she left and came back and ran her hands through it again. She goes, "I can't believe how long you hair is," then left. I just :look: and touched it to make sure it was still there.

When I finally decided to leave picnic, my ex-BF tugged on my hair and said, "You finally wore your hair out." I just told him it was a really expensive wig made from hair I collected out of my brush. :lachen:

So, how many times were you weave-checked this holiday weekend? If you didn't get weave-checked, did you get the side-eye? It counts. :lachen:

That does not make any sense.

And you know what's so crazy about it all? I never reacted negatively to any of it. I guess after reading so many similar stories over the years, I had been mentally prepared in a sense. :lachen:
I was in Marshall's yesterday standing in line and this guy asked me "it's that all your hair". I was wearing a wash and go :grin:
i was checked at least twice to my knowledge last week the funny thing is its not all bad when they ask you if you hair is fake but its the look they give when they find out its real. lol this lady came up to me and asked what brand is that i just bust out laughing
Only once, and she was trying to be a little smarty in front of my DH! On Sunday, we stopped by her parents' house and she was there. I was wearing a WNG ponytail which was very curly (I had been in a bun, but just pulled the GHD pins out, so it was pretty short. On Sunday night, I washed my hair and blowdried with SMB, so my hair was long, strong and blowin' in the breeze. I saw her on Monday at the family's cookout and she announced very loudly "Wow Soulie, your hair grew overnight! You must have been up late braiding and sewing." My DH looked at her and said, "She's not wearing braids, and she didn't do any sewing." Her sister came up behind me and stuck her hand in my hair from underneath and told her "this is HERS; just because YOU grew 6 inches overnight doesn't mean other folk didn't already have hair!" :lachen: :lachen:
I did. Once at work and 4 times at a gathering. I got all the ignorant questions like "what u mixed with" and "what kind of grease u use". It was one person that asked me that at my job and then was loud with it.
I went to get my eyebrows done and the beautician asked me if it was all my hair or a weave. I was kinda shocked cuz no one asked me that before but then said if it was a weave, why would i get hair one that has all these gray hairs in them ( I am graying prematurely) :nono:
I didn't get asked but I sure wanted to ask or tell some people some things this weekend.

I was at the Jazz Festival in the Gaslamp district in San Diego and the alopecia and thinning edges and baldness was running rampant in some of these sistahs heads.

I wanted to set up a triage and contact you ladies to get there STAT and drop some knowledge.

I am talking relaxed, natural and locks with large bald spots or almost no edges it was serious! I had to stop looking around and focus on the bands just to keep my mind from wondering. :perplexed

Here I was with a silk scarf around my edges trying to keep them healthy while wearing my big hat. :blush:

PS: The concert was great! But I need to do a serious mental change up when going to a venue where I know a lot of women of color will be because I was seriously doing some checking on those heads that needed some help.

I kept my thoughts to myself though! :yep:
I was weave checked twice by 2 different aunts. One who is a beautician who no longers does my hair......for a She was like,"Oh, you added some tracks in, it looks pretty". Uh no, its all mine. She could never do right by my hair, and I think she was upset that I figured out what she couldnt. My second aunt just took all 5 fingers and ran them down my scalp. I jumped because she caught me off guard and she just casually states, "Just checking to see if that was all you hair". I just laughed it off.
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I dare a fool to run their grubby hands all up in my scalp. Family or anyone else. Someone would walk away missin an arm. Folks no longer respect your space.:nono:
I got weave checked 3 times, but I think its because I am wearing my hair natural now. I've had an afro weave before.
No one physically touched my hair but I have definitely been getting some of this:curtain::darkcloud::ninja: and then this from random dudes :Blush2:

I got asked out twice this weekend. :lachen:
I'm not sure this qualifies but while standing in line at Victoria's Secret these chicks behind me were REALLY close---like I could practically feel them breathing on my back. I had just done a fresh BKT---my hair was long and thick--kind of like one of my old Barbie's (um, one of the ones that I didn't cut all the hair off). I thought it was obvious that it was my hair but I got plenty of double-takes while at the mall.
The satifaction of knowing it's all yours when they ask must be wonderful! I haven't gotten weave checked yet
No weave checks, but I had a dry WnG that I kinda re-wet and was fixing (with my head upside-down in BF's room) BF's brother asks me "is that all your hair?"
Me: Yes
Him: Cool.
What can I say? At least he wasn't rude about it...
Thanks to everyone with a story or comment. It really reinforces why protective styling is the best. F the retention... it keeps folks outta your hair! :lachen: