So Gone! (Long)


New Member
Ladies, I am totally gone over my hair! I will be getting my relaxer on Saturday, this will be after 12 long weeks. You ladies are the bomb, and I thank you for all of your knowledge, but this board has turned me into a serious hair obsessed product junkie.

I have no self control, everytime someone raves about a new product or new technique, I am all over it! This month alone, I have done a Hennaulent Treament, and a milk treament. I have purchased Loreal Unfrizz Gel and Serum, Motions Leave In, ORS Olive Oil Lotion, 3 bottle of Pantene S & S, Elasta Recovery Oil, Pro Root Health, WOC and so on, and so on! I have had a bun, a high, low, and side ponytail, twist and braidout. You name it, I have done it. I can't seem to leave my hair alone! Am I the only one?

Hi Sonya,

There are several PJs here. I'm so glad I'm not one (been there, done that). However, it is fun finding out what works for your hair and what doesn't work for your hair. I'm sure it will pass for you some time soon. Have fun in the meantime.
I used to buy alot of products when I first got into this board but its slowed waayyyyy down to nothing now. I have my 'cores' and love them. Funny thing is, half of them are things I had used anyway before I read any raves

Its that grass is greener thing where you think there MUST be something better than what you have, esp. when you read glowing raves but after trying them you do come to realize the same rave products won't necessarily work for you. Of course you find success products that you will keep using now but overall, you;ll probably slow down after a few disappoints with other products that you realize weren't as great on you as you expected. Plus your hair's condition starts letting you know when enough is enough with experimenting with it and craves simplicity
Ladies, I am totally gone over my hair! I will be getting my relaxer on Saturday, this will be after 12 long weeks. You ladies are the bomb, and I thank you for all of your knowledge, but this board has turned me into a serious hair obsessed product junkie.

I have no self control, everytime someone raves about a new product or new technique, I am all over it! This month alone, I have done a Hennaulent Treament, and a milk treament. I have purchased Loreal Unfrizz Gel and Serum, Motions Leave In, ORS Olive Oil Lotion, 3 bottle of Pantene S & S, Elasta Recovery Oil, Pro Root Health, WOC and so on, and so on! I have had a bun, a high, low, and side ponytail, twist and braidout. You name it, I have done it. I can't seem to leave my hair alone! Am I the only one?


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Girl u got me cracking up over here. It does get better like the other ladies said.
And for all the claims to recovery - don't let these newly declared angels
steal your fun!

ALL of us (well, most) were PJ's at one time or another and have now reformed (with much weeping and gnashing of teeth!) - so continue having fun learning what works best for you. Despite the fact that many of us fall back on things we've known and loved for years, sometimes that rave that sends you running to the store is leads you to a new staple in your regime that makes a world of difference. But not to worry, just like all things in the universe, PJism corrects itself naturally...

One day you'll "hit bottom" (you wash that hair, use 15 products at once, it comes out crazy and you resort to your old mainstays to get it back into shape and you have an "A CHA!" moment
and the madness begins to slow naturally) and all will be well.
It takes some time for this to happen, so in the meantime, enjoy, and remember that you still have to pay your bills and that sometimes all our hair REALLY wants from us is a break.

All that manipulation and trying new things can turn on you - but only occasionally and in the most egregious of circumstances. Spending your time and money to do something that makes you feel good and look better is no crime - no matter what the PJ police say...(tho we love them so - ::Tracy holds up her hands Laila Ali style to fend off the blows and giggles because all those officers of the law WILL BE reading those reviews you eventually post when you find products to rave about just like all the rest of us base PJs! Watch for the PMs, they explore in SECRET, in the dead of night,
oke: the little devils....mwahahahahahaha::: LOL!)

Seriously tho - this post is all in fun, but the message is real. Try not break the bank or torture your hair TOO much, but have fun discovering what works for you.
You're not the only one. I can totally relate. When I first joined this board, I bought so many products & tried all of these new things. Now I just use what works and stick to it, but I enjoyed experimenting.
I go through these phases....I thought the PJ in me was gone ...I barely brought anything but my staples for almost a year....but this past month...girl I did some serious damage. I'm going into to June under control...again...I hope...
My husband and I had to rework our budget because I needed so much more money for hair products. Yes, I am an undercover PJ.
I am glad I am not the only one! I think I am getting help using my products though. I caught my husband rubbing ORS Olive Oil Lotion on his bald head. He's going to pay for that, since I am supplying for two!