So excited!!!


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry for no pictures.. I know how you all love pictures. But my hubby looked at my hair today after my henna treatment yesterday and said I love how the color took and I love those curls, please never make your hair straight again. Keep this style I love it!!

My curls are so baggin, I never straight permed my hair in my adult life but I have always did a jeri curl because I wanted to losen up my curl pattern and as much as my hair stayed wet, all muslims know what I am talking about, it was so easy to care for. By not having what we have now to take care of our naturally curled hair it was ponytail or chemical. I have been totally natural since 2002 when that permed made my hair fall out for the 50th time but my hair never grew back to it's length. So I decided to go back to my bad habit of curly perm and my hair fell out again in 2008 when I was just really getting into this forum and when it fell out I started taken this forum serious. So I think I am about at the length I was when it fell out and hoping to grow all the way to hip before I die. I just really feel crazy of just discovering my hair at 50, that I start thinking I will never get to see it make it to my goal.

But I just wanted to share how thrilled he was over my hair today LOL
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:needpics: lol, j/k

Congrats! I'm glad to hear that the hubster is happy. And 50 yrs old is nothing lol. I'm sure you'll make it to HL :)