So embarrassed - - Wig trauma


New Member
How about this for wig trauma.

While waiting on my wallet to catch up with my want to get my hair braided, I was hiding my hair in a phony pony. It started to give me some breakage at the point of attachment so I desided to go with one of my favorite standbys
Well, you see how bangin' it is so I was feeling quite cute and sassy so I was all around my office all day, just couldn't sit still. I wanted eveyone 2C...and they did. Folks were smiling and I though it was because I was looking good. Oh naw... they were smiling and trying not to laugh because I'd been walking around all day with the BIG RED WIG TAG STICKING OUT OF THE BACK OF MY HEAD...ALL FREAKIN' DAY!!!!

I'm just now able to talk about it :perplexed .
Just thought I'd share now that I'm able to discuss it without running and hiding under my desk!
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Now you know if i saw you i would have told you:)

Miel said:
How about this for wig trauma.

While waiting on my wallet to catch up with my want to get my hair braided, I was hiding my hair in a phony pony. It started to give me some breakage at the point of attachment so I desided to go with one of my favorite standbys
Well, you see how bangin' it is so I was feeling quite cute and sassy so I was all around my office all day, just couldn't sit still. I wanted eveyone...and they did. Folks were smiling and I though it was because I was looking good. Oh naw... they were smiling and trying not to laugh because I'd been walking around all day with the BIG RED WIG TAG STICKING OUT OF THE BACK OF MY HEAD...ALL FREAKIN' DAY!!!!

I'm just now able to talk about it :perplexed .
Just thought I'd share now that I'm able to discuss it without running and hiding under my desk!
Girl - you still looked GOOD from the front! :D

No, seriously was it sticking total out? Wasn't it uncomfortable to wear? Just remmeber to cut those tags the next time - and just keep it moving.

Here's a hug, CD
I know, Eyunka, I know you got my back. :)

seraphinelle said:
And nobody told you?
Some people are cruel.

To be honest Seraph, I'm not sure if I would have been able to tell someone myself:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: . It's cool though, it's funny to me now.
Dang, nobody said a word? I am so sorry.:(

Kinda related story: One of the older ladies at the church was wear a new skirt suit that was absolutely beautiful. She was lifting her hands and creating some attention for herself. Well, the little girl behind her reached up and snatched the tag out of the suit and handed it to her. It was hanging from beneath her under arm. She was like "Here Ms._____ you forgot to take off your tag." Ms. ______ looked at that tag and snatched it from the girl. She jerked so hard when she snatched, I thought she was gonna pinch the little girls fingers off. The whole church fell out laughing. I felt so bad for the little girl she didn't know why Ms. _____ was so mad at her. Now she can't get the money back for that suit.
Not too many things can make my dad mad, but what happened to the OP would. He would be like "Somebody should have told you." For that reason, my dad is always the one to inform us that we have spinach in our teeth, smeared make-up, etc. Dad also gets angry if you don't tell him that something is not right with him.
I'm sorry I had to get that out! Ok someone should have told you though, maybe the tag wasn't that obvious:look:
Sorry but this made me :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Here is my hair piece trauma. I was in grad school and we were having a group meeting about an upcoming project. That day I had my hair up in a sad little ponytail hidden under a phony pony (the clip on type). Now although my hair was short it was really thing so the pony clip was under ALOT of pressure.

So i'm sitting in the meeting with 6 other people when all of a sudden there was this LOUD *CLACK* like something exploded. To my embarrassment, I felt my ponytail go slack...every jumped they were so startled. The good thing is no one except me knew where the sound came from. A few minutes later, praying my don't fall off in front of these people, I excused myself to the bathroom. I had one lonely bobby-pin in my purse and I confidently secured my pony with it. :cool:

Fast-forward 1 hour later, my gay friend and I "Cliffe" were crossing one of the busiest streets in the city, so i'm doing my model walk *swish, swish, swish*. All of a sudden I feel a curious lightness and breeze on my neck...i'm like what the heck? Tell me my ponytail didn't fall right off my head and landed in the middle of the street:eek: :eek: :eek:

I felt hot and cold at the same time, my hair was JACKED UP underneath. I did the only thing I could I held my head high, REALLY, and kept sashaying, all I could think was "just a few more feet to the hat man". I swear I felt like everybody was laughing at me, but truthfully the loud rush in my head blocked out all's the kicker...

My gay friend Cliffe realizing what happened ran back to the middle of street....he was like "UH UH HONEY YOU DROPPED YOUR HAIR...YOU PAID FOR THIS! HOLD STEADY U ARE GONNA WEAR THIS PROUDLY...Picked my ponytail up and stucked it on my head. I litterally black out of embarassment after that...everything else was a blur..
hothair said:
I'm sorry I had to get that out! Ok someone should have told you though, maybe the tag wasn't that obvious:look:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

If it wasn't me I'd been LMBO! And oh, it was very's about the size of a match book and I had on a beaded circular headband that had my curls pinned up in the back! Ain't no playin' this one off!
Miel said:
I'd been walking around all day with the BIG RED WIG TAG STICKING OUT OF THE BACK OF MY HEAD...ALL FREAKIN' DAY!!!!

I'm just now able to talk about it :perplexed .
Just thought I'd share now that I'm able to discuss it without running and hiding under my desk!

I am sure one day you will be able to laugh about it. I can't believe no one told you. That is just wrong.:eek:
My gay friend Cliffe realizing what happened ran back to the middle of street....he was like "UH UH HONEY YOU DROPPED YOUR HAIR...YOU PAID FOR THIS! HOLD STEADY U ARE GONNA WEAR THIS PROUDLY...Picked my ponytail up and stucked it on my head. I litterally black out of embarassment after that...everything else was a blur..[/quote]

I can just hear him and see him now...stopping traffic and all. Thanks girlie! I needed that!
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Miel said:
My gay friend Cliffe realizing what happened ran back to the middle of street....he was like "UH UH HONEY YOU DROPPED YOUR HAIR...YOU PAID FOR THIS! HOLD STEADY U ARE GONNA WEAR THIS PROUDLY...Picked my ponytail up and stucked it on my head. I litterally black out of embarassment after that...everything else was a blur..

I can just hear him and see him now...stopping traffic and all. Thanks girlie! I needed that![/QUOTE]

Yep...he ran back...grabbed the hair..I was like "no he didn't":eek: :lachen: :lachen:
dAmn that sucks!!!! I had one too. It involved my hairpiece falling off in junior high while I was playing this "spin the bottle" type of game. well I was about to kiss the guy I had a crush on, but this girl that wanted him had kinda pushed my head when I went to kiss him and my hair piece didn't fall off, but it was "greatly displaced" on my head. Of course everyone laughed. But I got the last laugh last year when I discovered that she goes to the same University as me. She knew immediately who I was and vice versa, and I purposely sat across from her in the computer lab and flashed my at the time, BSL hair in front of her. I saw her look @ me from the corner of my eye, and she huffed, rolled her eyes and stormed out of the lab!!!!:lachen: :lachen:
Girl although its embarassing, you can't help but admit this is HILARIOUS! OMG! I just buss out laughing loud, I was quitting my job lol, just kidding, but don't worry pay back is a b!tch some one would come to work one day with there big red panty showing or a roller left in the back and you just sit there and be quiet lol
BackToMyRoots said:
Sorry but this made me :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

My gay friend Cliffe realizing what happened ran back to the middle of street....he was like "UH UH HONEY YOU DROPPED YOUR HAIR...YOU PAID FOR THIS! HOLD STEADY U ARE GONNA WEAR THIS PROUDLY...Picked my ponytail up and stucked it on my head. I litterally black out of embarassment after that...everything else was a blur..

:lachen: :lachen: oh lawd thats too funny.
Miel said:
How about this for wig trauma.

While waiting on my wallet to catch up with my want to get my hair braided, I was hiding my hair in a phony pony. It started to give me some breakage at the point of attachment so I desided to go with one of my favorite standbys
Well, you see how bangin' it is so I was feeling quite cute and sassy so I was all around my office all day, just couldn't sit still. I wanted eveyone...and they did. Folks were smiling and I though it was because I was looking good. Oh naw... they were smiling and trying not to laugh because I'd been walking around all day with the BIG RED WIG TAG STICKING OUT OF THE BACK OF MY HEAD...ALL FREAKIN' DAY!!!!

I'm just now able to talk about it :perplexed .
Just thought I'd share now that I'm able to discuss it without running and hiding under my desk!

Someone didn't tell you!?!?:eek:

I do have to say that after I told you I would have been cracking up...:lachen: with you of course....
that's terrible!:lachen:

and they are SO WRONG for not letting you know!!
and I'm CTFU @ Cliffe!!!! :lachen: :lachen:
EbonyHairedPrincess said:
Dang, nobody said a word? I am so sorry.:(

Kinda related story: One of the older ladies at the church was wear a new skirt suit that was absolutely beautiful. She was lifting her hands and creating some attention for herself. Well, the little girl behind her reached up and snatched the tag out of the suit and handed it to her. It was hanging from beneath her under arm. She was like "Here Ms._____ you forgot to take off your tag." Ms. ______ looked at that tag and snatched it from the girl. She jerked so hard when she snatched, I thought she was gonna pinch the little girls fingers off. The whole church fell out laughing. I felt so bad for the little girl she didn't know why Ms. _____ was so mad at her. Now she can't get the money back for that suit.
:lachen: abcdefghijk
apples said:
that's terrible!:lachen:

and they are SO WRONG for not letting you know!!
and I'm CTFU @ Cliffe!!!! :lachen: :lachen:

:lol::lol::lol: So sorry Miel..I would've told you too but it is one of those things that you have to laugh about.

They should've told you. I don't know why people are like that, even more why women are like that towards other women. I remember one day I came out of the bathroom and I didn't know that some tissue was stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I carry myself like Im cute too which makes it worse but As many females passed me up {they knew}, only a handsome man stopped me and told me I had tissue stuck to my shoe. And just to show that it doesn't pay to be ugly, all the women were looking at that fine man but I got his number and he got mine...HA.

Backtomyroots, your story was so funny too...I can relate.
don't know ya..but i would have informed you of that. them people are just plain wicked.

i would expect the same from folks regardless if you know is called common courtesy.
BackToMyRoots said:
Sorry but this made me :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Here is my hair piece trauma. I was in grad school and we were having a group meeting about an upcoming project. That day I had my hair up in a sad little ponytail hidden under a phony pony (the clip on type). Now although my hair was short it was really thing so the pony clip was under ALOT of pressure.

So i'm sitting in the meeting with 6 other people when all of a sudden there was this LOUD *CLACK* like something exploded. To my embarrassment, I felt my ponytail go slack...every jumped they were so startled. The good thing is no one except me knew where the sound came from. A few minutes later, praying my don't fall off in front of these people, I excused myself to the bathroom. I had one lonely bobby-pin in my purse and I confidently secured my pony with it. :cool:

Fast-forward 1 hour later, my gay friend and I "Cliffe" were crossing one of the busiest streets in the city, so i'm doing my model walk *swish, swish, swish*. All of a sudden I feel a curious lightness and breeze on my neck...i'm like what the heck? Tell me my ponytail didn't fall right off my head and landed in the middle of the street:eek: :eek: :eek:

I felt hot and cold at the same time, my hair was JACKED UP underneath. I did the only thing I could I held my head high, REALLY, and kept sashaying, all I could think was "just a few more feet to the hat man". I swear I felt like everybody was laughing at me, but truthfully the loud rush in my head blocked out all's the kicker...

My gay friend Cliffe realizing what happened ran back to the middle of street....he was like "UH UH HONEY YOU DROPPED YOUR HAIR...YOU PAID FOR THIS! HOLD STEADY U ARE GONNA WEAR THIS PROUDLY...Picked my ponytail up and stucked it on my head. I litterally black out of embarassment after that...everything else was a blur..
Okay, I thought it was over when I was reading the original post, but this joint right here almost got me fired from work!! I don't know what was funniest, the loud clack or you friend running back in the middle of the street to pick your pony up!!!!! (I'm sorry, Im a visual and I just pictured this entire thing.....)
:lol: backtomyroots...i am crying right now! my..ok i can't even see the keyboard hold easy are watering..:lol: :lol:

ok..i got it together now.

Dyam gurl, sorry to laugh at your misfortune but your description was bang on, I felt like i was there.

God lord!!!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lol:
Sweetg said:
:lol: backtomyroots...i am crying right now! my..ok i can't even see the keyboard hold easy are watering..:lol: :lol:

ok..i got it together now.

Dyam gurl, sorry to laugh at your misfortune but your description was bang on, I felt like i was there.

God lord!!!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lol:

No...that's alright...I can laugh at it now. I was so embarassed and traumatized that day....:lol: :lol: Cliffe bless his heart just made it worse.
Wow. :eek: :lol: At least you know now who you can't trust in your office. All the people who saw you but didn't say anything to help you. :ohwell:
BackToMyRoots said:
Sorry but this made me :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Here is my hair piece trauma. I was in grad school and we were having a group meeting about an upcoming project. That day I had my hair up in a sad little ponytail hidden under a phony pony (the clip on type). Now although my hair was short it was really thing so the pony clip was under ALOT of pressure.

So i'm sitting in the meeting with 6 other people when all of a sudden there was this LOUD *CLACK* like something exploded. To my embarrassment, I felt my ponytail go slack...every jumped they were so startled. The good thing is no one except me knew where the sound came from. A few minutes later, praying my don't fall off in front of these people, I excused myself to the bathroom. I had one lonely bobby-pin in my purse and I confidently secured my pony with it. :cool:

Fast-forward 1 hour later, my gay friend and I "Cliffe" were crossing one of the busiest streets in the city, so i'm doing my model walk *swish, swish, swish*. All of a sudden I feel a curious lightness and breeze on my neck...i'm like what the heck? Tell me my ponytail didn't fall right off my head and landed in the middle of the street:eek: :eek: :eek:

I felt hot and cold at the same time, my hair was JACKED UP underneath. I did the only thing I could I held my head high, REALLY, and kept sashaying, all I could think was "just a few more feet to the hat man". I swear I felt like everybody was laughing at me, but truthfully the loud rush in my head blocked out all's the kicker...

My gay friend Cliffe realizing what happened ran back to the middle of street....he was like "UH UH HONEY YOU DROPPED YOUR HAIR...YOU PAID FOR THIS! HOLD STEADY U ARE GONNA WEAR THIS PROUDLY...Picked my ponytail up and stucked it on my head. I litterally black out of embarassment after that...everything else was a blur..

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

OMG!!! This just takes the cake! For some reason when you described doing your model walk across the street Beyonce's "Get Me Bodied" started playing in my head. :lol: :lol: That only made the story more funny. "Pat yo weave ladies...pat...pat, pat yo weave ladies." :lachen: But when your friend ran back for the weave.... :eek:[dead]. Well, at least he was looking out for your best interests. You did pay for that phony after all ;).
Wow. That is soooo awful that no one told you about the tag! I feel your shame!!

BUT... here's worse

So I had just picked up this hot new wig, and decided to wear it to class. I thought I was looking pretty flyyyyyyyyyy. So I strut into the auditorium where class was being held, and I'm just looking around, watching people watch me, KNOWING that I look good. I even cut my eyes at a few females that looked at me for more than a few seconds as if to say "yeah, keep looking". When all of a sudden, someone tries to pass through the aisle behind me and brushes against my wig pretty hard. I feel my wig sliding off in that direction. I literally had to reach up and grab it before it fell completely OFF!! I had my hair wrapped up under a wig cap, and my bangs were out at the front along with a headband to separate my bangs from the wig, and I know all that was exposed for al to see! Once the girl saw what had happened she apologized profusely, as I quickly repositioned it the best I could (but i could feel that it still wasn't in place. I was just too embarrassed to move to fix it anymore). I felt like I was burning, and I kept waiting to hear the laughter from the others sitting behind me that I know had to have seen. The rest of the class period I sat sooo stiff and quiet. (not to mention, I was leaned forward so that couldn't happen again) I was too ashamed to move, or turn my head to look. Every time someone passed in the row behind me, I leaned forward a little more. I didn't really hear much of the lecture that day. When class let out, I pretended like I was gathering my stuff while I waited for the people in that area to clear out before I got up and rushed to the bathroom to secure it back into place :-(
Hey ladies,

So I just had a wig related traumatic experience the other night. So my friends (about 7 people) and I were chilling, just having fun dancing to some song. We were all trying to do this move from the video and when I did it my wig completely falls off and lands on the floor. At that moment I wasnt embarassed because I was overtaken by shock, so I just picked up my piece went to the bathroom and put it back on. My friend came into see if I was ok and she was like.."whoa i thought that was just a weave." She's not black so I know it confused her, especially seeing someone our age wearing a wig. Of course I played it off as if it was no big deal. But after thinking about the incident, I feel more and more embarassed. My friends were cool, they didnt laugh or anything, and we went throughout the night as if nothing happened. But my thoughts about the night (when I replay it in my head) torment me. I try not to think about it, but I cant help but think of how foolish I must have looked. God I just want to crawl under a rock and die. How do I get over it?