So Could You Date


Well-Known Member
Or Marry Someone who wasnt the same denomination as you?

People would assume my husband and I would have issues because of his JW background, but we work pretty well together...

I was just wondering how people think when it comes to things like this..
KhandiB said:
Or Marry Someone who wasnt the same denomination as you?

People would assume my husband and I would have issues because of his JW background, but we work pretty well together...

I was just wondering how people think when it comes to things like this..

The key is the prayer, "...Lord is this man and I meant to be?" What I see is a picture of not only a beautiful baby in your Avatar, but a beautiful husband and wife, instead. In your heart, you are Holy Spirit lead, for God's word does say that it's the wife, whom the Husband follows in worship of Him, by her quiet spirit.

Stay happily married. I see God's smile upon you, both.

Love, Shimmie...:)
Thank You! That was beautifully said :D

ShimmieGirl said:
The key is the prayer, "...Lord is this man and I meant to be?" What I see is a picture of not only a beautiful baby in your Avatar, but a beautiful husband and wife, instead. In your heart, you are Holy Spirit lead, for God's word does say that it's the wife, whom the Husband follows in worship of Him, by her quiet spirit.

Stay happily married. I see God's smile upon you, both.

Love, Shimmie...:)
KhandiB said:
Thank You! That was beautifully said :D

Let God be the one to made any changes needed in him. Ignore all negative comments and the "opposing" opinions of men. For in this marriage God sees no sin. Who dare would have a dispute with Him?

The word of God says, "be ye not unequally yoked", and this you know. But who is one to judge this to be so in your personal case? I can't and won't. The Lord will give you both total peace about this.

I don't see your husband as being 'married' to the JW religion. He married 'you', not the 'fellowship' of his congregation. He chose to 'forsake' all others and cleave unto you and you alone. Your husband still has Godly principles, just a different theory. But you will never have to fight about this theory with him. Something and Someone greater has brought the two of you together in marriage and that's the real focus, of what the two of you will always be...which is One.

No matter what occurs on the 'outside' of your marriage, (conflicting beliefs of holidays and other celebrations, etc.), there's something more that prevails. You've given him over to the Lord, for God to have His glory and perfect work in his heart. God is not about to let you go, so in this case, who do we know who's going to win? (High 5 - You know who?) :lol:

Remember the love and marriage of Ruth and Boaz; Esther and the King; and don't forget Rahab...who was a part of the bloodline of Jesus...(How I love the 'Begats' , the lineage of Jesus in the Bible).

My point, God has a plan for this wonderful man, whom you married. So love him; and enjoy loving him, and have lots of babies, for one just may be the first president in this country that ever made good sense....:lol:

Loving prayers to you...husband, baby(s) and all...:)

"Shimmie..." ;)
Simply, no. Have you decided what denomination your child will be? Shimmie is right though, I wish I thought of that first
Im not sure but Ive considered. They wouldnt be changing my faith and if we have the same values in common, why not? I guess I would have to experience this to give a definite answer but so far we've been of the same faith.
I would say no and without getting too deep (cuz I am at work and need to get off of here!), I want both my husband and I to attend the same church and sit under the same teachings. I want to know that we have the same understanding and he is hearing the same word that I am hearing. Even church's in the same denomination sometimes teach different things, but that is a whole other topic. I also want my kids to go to church with their Mommy AND Daddy and not see Daddy or Mommy separated in that area. I believe when someone becomes husband and wife they become "one" and believing two different things religiously personally wouldn't work for me. I know the question said date, but I wouldnt' date someone who I couldn't potentially marry. Also, the bible speaks very specifically on how a husband is to treat his wife, and if he is not reading/being taught/believing the same thing that I do, then I don't have the trust that he will know how to properly be the husband that he is supposed to be.
Now if I told you that the TWO of you are unequally yoked, is that being HARSH?

Your answer lies within the pages of the Holy Bible. You only asked this question because you already know the answer.

*I hope this post doesn't offend anyone*

No one disputes what the scripture says about being equally yoked. God's word will always remain. I uphold what God's word says.

But even more than that God also says, 'He hates Divorce'. And God has made provision for those of different faiths, for He is a God of the Beginning and the End and the Now. He KNEW there would marriages of such.

Do I suggest that one deliberately marry outside of their faith? No. However, you are married. You are not shacking up, you're in the correct gender order for marriage, and you both love God.

Stay married and allow God to have His glory for in YOUR case there is a special provision which has been made for such. The two of you have a child and it will give God greater pleasure for the two of you to remain as one. For that is what marriage is, two people who have become one. One means, equally yoked.

The enemy is messing with your mind. He is the 'accuser' of the brethern. But in the heart of God our Father, you stand innocent of no crime or sin having been committed.

Dedicate your husband to the Lord (as did Hannah with her son, Samuel) and allow God to lead him into the paths of righteous for His sake and no one else's. Now let your heart just say, Amen. :)

Enjoy loving your husband...:)
No :lol: - How can you be unevenly yoked if you are walking together spiritually?

We arent having any problems :) - We have an very happy life together.. we are best friends....

I just posed the question due to a conversation I was having with a co worker to see how many people share the view, because she was adamant that people of different denominations would end in adultery and/or divorce...

and tuffCOOKIE - when he is old enough he can choose what he wants to follow :)

Blossssom said:
Now if I told you that the TWO of you are unequally yoked, is that being HARSH?

Your answer lies within the pages of the Holy Bible. You only asked this question because you already know the answer.

*I hope this post doesn't offend anyone*