So close yet seems so far...


New Member
Hello Ladies!!! I have been talking postive about my hair now for a couple of months and I know my hair is growing but not as fast as I want it to!!! I am 5 weeks post my last relaxer. I am getting close to SL and I am excited!!! I need to varrow someones camera and take some pics!!! but my plan for this month is to try not to use heat until I relax again in about 3 weeks!!!I take care of my ends in hopes of retaining length.It can be hard but im doin it!Hopefully when I post pics for the first time I will be SL like Val wayyy before December!!!!Pray for me!!!:yep:
Hello Ladies!!! I have been talking postive about my hair now for a couple of months and I know my hair is growing but not as fast as I want it to!!! I am 5 weeks post my last relaxer. I am getting close to SL and I am excited!!! I need to varrow someones camera and take some pics!!! but my plan for this month is to try not to use heat until I relax again in about 3 weeks!!!I take care of my ends in hopes of retaining length.It can be hard but im doin it!Hopefully when I post pics for the first time I will be SL like Val wayyy before December!!!!Pray for me!!!:yep:

Girl you'll make it sooner than you think.... Just keep your hair healthy and don't think about the length too much and you'll see how fast it grows when you not paying attention.

BTW I thought you already SL when I looked at your avatar
Girl you'll make it sooner than you think.... Just keep your hair healthy and don't think about the length too much and you'll see how fast it grows when you not paying attention.

BTW I thought you already SL when I looked at your avatar

oooo no in my avatar that pic is mw with micro braids about 3 years ago..time to update!LOL!
Just wanted to wish you good luck and hopefully you will be SL WWWWWAAAAYYYYYY before December. Just keep protecting and moisturising those ends.
oooo no in my avatar that pic is mw with micro braids about 3 years ago..time to update!LOL!
oh ok.... well all I can really say is focus on the health of your hair and the growth ill come. That is advice I myself have to remember constantly or else I'll drive myself crazy :grin:
It sounds like you are doing all the right things so I am sure your effort will pay off. I definitely understand the feeling though, I am trying to make SL by December as well. I hope I make it, but if I try not to stress it. I am comforted to know that I have made a lot of progress this year and I will just continue to work on it until I reach my ultimate goal of BSL :grin:
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