So can a long-haired sister get her hair under this wig?

if you braid it into a beehive you should be able to. if you braid 2-4 corn rows it may look bulky

what a sassy wig btw:grin:
Well, my hair is almost WL and I have a wig quite similar to that one. I cornrow my hair in a "round the world" pattern, and then I put on a stretchy lace weaving cap to hold the tail down. I may try to tuck the tail in between the cornrows if I'm concerned that someone could see a lump.
^^^^Okay, y'all got skills--don't know if I can "beehive" and "round the world" :lol:
sure is a cute wig though :)
I am going to take NO for $200 Alex! :lachen:

You can try it but place a seriously tight wig cap on with the beehive cornrows.

I tried something like this back in March and my head hurt like the dickens. It was too painful to keep the wig on.

Hoping the best for ya though!!!