So additicted to LHCF!

When I first joined I was addicted also:yep:
Great Fotki. Nicely put together. Lots of variety. You had some good growth in 6 mos.

O.T. I too am going thru post-partum alopecia, but since taking flaxseed, its coming in a diff. looser texture.
Girl I feel you on being addicted. Since I joined I've learned so much from you ladies, so when I get my pink slip (for being on the site all day while at work) I'll take up a collection.:lachen:
When I first joined I was addicted also:yep:
Great Fotki. Nicely put together. Lots of variety. You had some good growth in 6 mos.

O.T. I too am going thru post-partum alopecia, but since taking flaxseed, its coming in a diff. looser texture.

Thank you I'll have to try the flaxseed oil, I have a jar of Flaxseed oil geltabs but those pills are just so big :perplexed
o wow i was just thinking about this 2! i was just telling myself it's 1230 am and i need to be sleep but i love this site. most of us don't know each other from adam but for the most part we do or we are getting to know each other b/c of our hair. it only takes one common ground to bring sistahs from every which background together. in any sense we are family. when we feel we have no one to go to about our hair for whatever reason...when you log on to lhcf, someone will be there on the other end waiting happy to help. so, my lhcf family, u guys r the best and b/c of that...i'll be glad to repay my $6.50 next april

by the way...yesterday instead of sprucing up my villa i remembered that i had my jbco, babassu butter, herbs, glycerin...some other ingredients i can't remember pertaining to hair coming and i literally went to war( operation clean house) in my house just for my stuff... and made room in my kitchen to place them.:nono::lachen:


No worries, I am addicted too. :grin: I was already a PJ before I found this site, now that ADDICTION is out of control. Every time a new package comes my husband keeps lookin @ me like :swearing:!! Every time a package comes I get all giddy and :love::love:
Yeah, I'm an addict too, but I'm in rehab...:lachen:

When I first got on here...I went compeletely pyscho. I didn't want to eat or sleep or even be bothered with my dd or dh (good to know that I am not the only one); I couldn't believe my own behavior! (I'm ashamed to admit it, but I went from reading 3-4 books a day to the baby, to zero! I am back reading again, just not as much, but I am working on it). DH thought that I was cheating on him, cause he couldn't understand what was making me stay up sooo late, and be sooo happy to be on the internet...:lachen:Our relationship changed for the first few months that I was on here....he even started watching me on the pc to see "who" I was talking to.

I am doing better now. And I when my laptop died the other day, it was a gift from God. That took me out of comfort zone, and brought me back to the real world. I did everything I was supposed to do and more. And I was no longer "lazy". Now that my laptop is back...I am still doing well. Now, I am able to balance LHCF and home! I pray that I can keep this up.
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I can stay on here for hours on end. like 5 hours lol. But being on here helps me remember to take my vitamins:grin:
Girl .. you ain't said nothing but a word ..:yep:

I flipped the other day when I couldn't get my fix at lunch b.c my school library was closed .. so I disrupted my choir teachers class .. and used hers. :grin:

I just paid my 6.50 three days ago .. almost at a hundred posts.
I'm addicted too.
It isn't a good thing though. I have a bunch of papers to do for my classes. Am I writing them? NO:nono: I am procrastinating as usual.:ohwell:
I thought I was the only one:lachen:. Sometimes I forget to eat, sleep, and feed the kids.:hide:

This is soooo me, but I have to add, that I sometimes forget I got someone coming to get their hair done. And there goes someone knocking at the door and I'm right in the middle of posting!
Im happily addicted to LHCF! Love it here so much. Earlier today, my SO called me to check up on me while he was on his break and he asked me what I was doing and I said "oh nothing :look:" so he said "Don't tell me you're on the computer on that ladies site thing! You addicted." Im thinking "it's called LHCF, get it straight fool!" :rolleyes:
Before LHCF my husband didn't use his laptop now he says : you're allways on this hair site I hope that I could use the computer one day ...
Hello. My name is Shalilac and I'm an addict.

I lurv me some LHCF and Fotki! I know folks be lookin at their guest list like, "Dang! She came back again!!!" :lachen:...... :look:
I don't care. I need the motivation because I am always dying to cut my hair off, but you ladies keep me encouraged and focused.
You know what~ I'm actually doing good. I was insane when I first joined. I think now that I have my regimen together I'm not in such a panic to figure out what works or what products to buy, how to do this bun or that style, what this means or that means. Not to be a know it all or nothing. I think I'm content for now :look:, I said for now :look:
Before I actually joined, I lurked for like 4-5 months :look::nono::drunk::ohwell::perplexed. All of those smilies are pretty descriptive for how much I used to be on this site. I think i read every post in the hair forum since 2003!

Lately, I've been limiting my time spent reading on the forum. I forced myself not to check the site for two days in a row, now I give myself a half hour limit (ya'll know I'm lying to myself). I'd like to get down to 1 day a week. I knew I had a problem when for a few nights in a row, I swear I saw the screen to the forum in my dreams. I was like :nono: I am officially insane, LHCF has taken over my REM.