Sniff Sniff, my Shedding Stop.....Was it due to???

  • Thread starter Thread starter AmilLion
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Okay. Now for a couple of weeks, about two to three weeks I've been upset at my hair. It's been shedding at an astronomical rate.

Anyway, last night, I decided to wash my hair and condition it myself. I applied K-pac and sat under the dryer for 15 minutes. I made up a concoction of Pantene Pro-V Sleek N Smooth, Moisturfuse, Elucence & oils. Applied to my hair after and left on for 5 minutes with additional heat after rinsing the K-Pac. After rinsing my moisturizing concoction, I applied Elasta QP Mango butter to my dripping wet hair, roller set and sat under the dryer for 25 minutes. OMG, when I came from under the dryer, my hair had this incredible shine I cannot describe. It was soooooooooooooo soft and silky. I wrapped my hair and went to sleep.

This morning, as soon as I woke up, I went to the bathroom, spritz some water on my hair , applied this Oil Shine spray and tied my hair down with my scarf. When it was time to do my hair, it literally fell out of the wrap, nothing shed, and i was looking like a Pantene model. Walking to the train station, my hair was blowing in the wind and fell right back into place
Sniff Sniff.......ohh for joy. I hope this lasts.
i was looking like Pantene model. Walking to the train station, my hair was blowing in the wind and fall right back into place

[/ QUOTE ]

You go girl!! The right conditioners can definitely work wonders!!
I hope your hair continues to thrive.
i'm happy to hear that. I may need to pick some of this K-pak up beacuse my ahir is shedding badly as well. Thanks for sharing.
great to hear about your results. K-pac is the only reconstructor i use now, and its awesome. supergirl posted about different kinds of proteins last month, and joico k-pak definitely has the best kind.
Re: Sniff Sniff, my Shedding Stop.....Was it due t

Mango butter on dripping wet hair...I must try this
Re: Sniff Sniff, my Shedding Stop.....Was it due t

Your telling of your success gave me chills...I mean it, I was truly touched and excited for you. Now, I need to go wipe my eyes and blow my nose. Congrats and keep us posted.
