Sniff Sniff Is My Hair Burning?!


New Member
:nono::nono::nono: I made a terrible choice yesterday:nono::nono::nono:

I have been on my healthy hair journey for 18 mths now and I have not let ANYONE do my hair. Yesterday I had a really dumb moment:spinning: I let one of my friends "attempt" to flat iron my hair:nono:. I wanted to straighten my hair and I was being lazy and my friend said she could do it. I had a wash n go so I just picked my hair out but there wasn't any product on it. I kept telling her that maybe I should just wait so I could rewash it and add my protectants and she kept saying oh you will be fine just add something to it when you get home. I have nooo clue why I was taking her advice when I already knew what to do for my own hair. So I let her start on my hair anyway and I could feel her doing multiple pull throughs on EACH strand which was already a major no no. I normally only do ONE pass through TWO tops and she was doing like 4-5 and she was never touching my ends. I made her stop because I felt my hair and it felt terrible:wallbash: it was super dry, my ends looked terribly frizzy and to make things worse she said "I can fix your ends just let me HOLD the flat iron on your ends" OMG I almost passed out lol I yanked my head away and said "No way! you are not about to burn my hair out!" I also told her that I did not like the way that my hair smelled and she said "oh thats normal, its suppose to smell like heat" :blush: So today I did a super duper dc and I flat ironed my hair with my chi guard and my chi oil and my hair feels lovely:grin: So now I have learned my lesson and I will never let anyone touch my hair again! :blush: So do any of your ladies do you hair yourself and never let anyone else do it? is this common?:yep:
I haven't let anyone do my hair since I started my hair journey 4 years ago. Maybe one day I'll go to a salon but I think I'm doing ok by myself -- too many horror stories posted on here.
yea...I'm very particular about my hair. Like one person is allowed it in it, and even then it's rare. maybe every half year for a press maybe or braids.
Otherwise, I feel if I do it and mess up, it's on me. But if you mess up, I might hold it against you for a while....So better I do it :)
I remember when my friend tried to hot comb my hair and it got singed off. Never again. I can't even trust my mother. She had been doing my relaxer retouches for 3 years and the last time she retouched my hair she ran the relaxer all the way to ends for some strange reason, like she had done it before. Never again.
I am very particular about my hair, so I just do it myself. If I mess up, its on me and I can handle that. I do have 2 stylist that I allow to do my trims. They have always cut what I asked and no more. Other than that, I don't allow anyone to do my hair.
Glad you had the sense to stop her before she did your whole head. I would have hated for you to have a set back.
I always do my own hair...the only other person I trust with my hair is my weaveologist. I can't trust my mom either..when I was still in high school I let her "trim my ends". My dad warned me against it but I didn't listen to him. My mom gathered all my hair into 1 low pony tail and just chopped off like 3 inches...Mind you I was only shoulder length :nono:. To make a long story short my mom hasn't touched my hair since then. I only trust myself :yep:.
Same thing happened to me, I went to the hair salon to get a touch up after 4 months, I told the stylist to roller roller set, then a wrap, she unwrapped it and then wanted to use the flat iron ( I NEVER use direct heat, and she knows this), she had a attitude because I told her NO! Too bad this is my hair and I am paying her to do what I say!!!
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I'm glad you spoke up and learned a valuable lesson and not after the fact.

:blush: So do any of your ladies do you hair yourself and never let anyone else do it? is this common?:yep:

A lot of us do. Some of us realized that no one cares about our hair as much as we personally do when it was too late. But at least we got the message loud and clear. :yep:
yea...I'm very particular about my hair. Like one person is allowed it in it, and even then it's rare. maybe every half year for a press maybe or braids.
Otherwise, I feel if I do it and mess up, it's on me. But if you mess up, I might hold it against you for a while....So better I do it :)
especially when it comes to ends!! :drunk:
Just my stylist and I! lol I think the real mistake was putting a flat iron on wash n go hair. See how your hair came out fine once you washed it, deep conditioned it and added the chi for heat.
I remember when my friend tried to hot comb my hair and it got singed off. Never again. I can't even trust my mother. She had been doing my relaxer retouches for 3 years and the last time she retouched my hair she ran the relaxer all the way to ends for some strange reason, like she had done it before. Never again.

wow i know that was scary!
I am very particular about my hair, so I just do it myself. If I mess up, its on me and I can handle that. I do have 2 stylist that I allow to do my trims. They have always cut what I asked and no more. Other than that, I don't allow anyone to do my hair.

do you ever trim yourself?
I always do my own hair...the only other person I trust with my hair is my weaveologist. I can't trust my mom either..when I was still in high school I let her "trim my ends". My dad warned me against it but I didn't listen to him. My mom gathered all my hair into 1 low pony tail and just chopped off like 3 inches...Mind you I was only shoulder length :nono:. To make a long story short my mom hasn't touched my hair since then. I only trust myself :yep:.

WOWZERS!! that sounded more like a cut to me instead of a trim :nono:
Same thing happened to me, I went to the hair salon to get a touch up after 4 months, I told the stylist to roller roller set, then a wrap, she unwrapped it and then wanted to use the flat iron ( I NEVER use direct heat, and she knows this), she had a attitude because I told her NO! Too bad this is my hair and I am paying her to do what I say!!!

ooh i hate stylist like that! they act like they can do what ever and you are suppose to not have any say so! hmm not!
I'm glad you spoke up and learned a valuable lesson and not after the fact.

A lot of us do. Some of us realized that no one cares about our hair as much as we personally do when it was too late. But at least we got the message loud and clear. :yep:

lol i like that!!! :grin:
Just my stylist and I! lol I think the real mistake was putting a flat iron on wash n go hair. See how your hair came out fine once you washed it, deep conditioned it and added the chi for heat.

well actually i have done it before on a wash n go
(my hair was dry ) but the key is that "i" did it so never again with someone else nope nope!!:blush:
do you ever trim yourself?

I dust my ends with my split ender or do s&d. That's as far as I go on my head with scissors. I go to a stylist for my trims. Especially since my hair is layered. I like the shape and don't want to jack it up. They never cut more than I ask. I go to a white salon and I think I may be one of the only black customers that comes in there. They all know me and are very careful with my hair. They know that I am trying to grow it long and respect my wishes.
aw that was sweet thank you and girl yeah i was thinking in my head like ooh nooo she is not touching the front oooh noooo

You're welcome, I just hate reading stories about set backs. Sometimes we don't speak up out of fear of confrontation, or hurting someones feelings. I am glad you did. I have not had any set backs and I thank God for that. We have to be vocal and not be passive when it comes to our hair. No one is gonna love it the way we do.
I go to a stylist like once a year- just to touch my hair up. Other than that- I don't let anyone else in my hair. Not even to help me take down my braids or anything.
My trusted stylist touches my hair...thats it. No girlfriends, moms, nobody but me. Too afraid of a bad experience and/ or setback. Especially when heat, chemical, or scissors are involved only my trusty hairdresser can go there. As far as washing, conditioning, & daily styling I handle all that myself.
I dust my ends with my split ender or do s&d. That's as far as I go on my head with scissors. I go to a stylist for my trims. Especially since my hair is layered. I like the shape and don't want to jack it up. They never cut more than I ask. I go to a white salon and I think I may be one of the only black customers that comes in there. They all know me and are very careful with my hair. They know that I am trying to grow it long and respect my wishes.

that is truly awesome and im glad that they take your personal hair care in to consideration!