Small album update- I braided my hair.


New Member
Just a few updates I wanted to share. I added another maxiglide pic to may album (but I was disappointed with my second results (not to say it looked bad but I was aiming for a hard press look)- I think it was less straight because I didn't use Aveda anti-humectant and I tried to lower the heat setting. Also I decided to braid my hair for the first time this week. I learned how to do it using the crown and glory video- it's quite simple really but I think the challenge is braiding meticulously (i.e. tight at the scalp, even, and straight). Because I don't care about having perfectly neat braids, I'm glad I learned to braid myself- it will save me a ton of money. I didn't really make much effort to be meticulous- I didn't care to part my hair straight and some of my braids are not straight at all- I might do some retouches when I have some time. Also, Robin Woods advises using 6-8 bags of hair in the video- I only used three- I didn't want my hair to be that heavy. Despite the flaws, I'm proud of my first attempt. To those thinking about buying the video- the video to say the least is low budget but it does what it promises. Because it's so easy (in theory- braiding skill is developed by practice), I'd advise to ask some who knows how to braid before buying- its not the kind of video that your going to need to constantly refer to IMO. So my plan to get to waistlegnth is to do crown and glory in 2 month intervals until I get the lenght. Let me know what you guys think.