Slow growers unite 2014

I think I'm going back to washing my hair once a week, rather than once every two weeks. I went to bi weekly washing to keep me from having to detangle weekly, now I'm starting to feel that waiting longer to detangle leads to more tangles. Woes me...with slow growth I need the best retention plan possible.
I too found that washing my hair more often (twice a week) is better than every other week, or even just once a week. I get super tangles after day 4.
I agree with you about 4c hair. My dd has 4c hair. I feel like I have 4b. I have seen your hair though and it looks like 4b...maybe I didn't see all of it. I will be changing up my regimen to see if I grow/retain more. Instead of washing, detangling, and redoing my twists every week, I will keep medium sized braids in for about four weeks. I will still cowash or shampoo them weekly, DC weekly, and moisturize and seal every other day. I hope this helps me with minimal manipulation. I am also back to oiling my scalp with sulfur oil and now I am taking Priteva to see if that helps with strength and growth. :yep:
I think my hair does look like yours WHENit is set, like in a twist out or braid out. If you see my fro out, you will notice the difference. I do have some 4b sections, but it is mostly 4c.
I'm off to wigging it and found some real cute, cheap glueless lace fronts..heck...yes


I need this one in my life, it's only $119.00 :D yess... no need to save up for that.

I've watched so many Youtube vid reviews on it. I have got to have it.
I have been shampooing and conditioning my hair in flat twists because my hair is still too short to do it in twist. This has been really good to cut down on detangling. It does take longer to shampoo and condition this way but it has pretty much cut down my detangling session, so it is a wash. My ends don't get all tangled up and my hair seems to hold onto more water this way. I will see how this works out over time.
I gave myself a much need trim last night. I cut about 1.5" off and immediately noticed a difference in how my hair behaves. I could easily comb through it without the ends tangling. :spinning: Unfortunately it will take me 6 months to grow 1.5-2" :nono: I will just focus on full APL this year and hope for BSL by next summer :perplexed:rolleyes::look:
Hey ladies. My straight hair was getting oily and weighed down so I sprayed dry shampoo on my roots and the length of my hair, let it sit for minute and brushed it clean. Now I have body again and my hair smells great! I got my dry poo from walgreens and it works wonders on straightened hair
I'm off to wigging it and found some real cute, cheap glueless lace fronts..heck...yes


I need this one in my life, it's only $119.00 :D yess... no need to save up for that.

I've watched so many Youtube vid reviews on it. I have got to have it.

I did the same thing! I almost got that one. I ended up ordering a lace front from if you use the coupon code kennedy you save $10. My 16 inch was only $98
Just bumping on up.

Does anyone have low density as well as less than average growing hair? Sometimes looking at all these high density youtubers and pictures has me thinking I wished my hair were more dense. I'm not a jealous person, but I know my hair will never look like other ladies with thick hair.
Since the previous thread died a death, I thought it would be a good idea to start a new thread for those with slow growing hair or those who've been on this board a while and are struggling to grow their hair.


Hair type

4b-z. it's all kinds of crazy in different spots.

Did you ever have long hair as a child?

i'd say yes, before i got a relaxer in 3rd or 4th grade. it was past my shoulders.

How long have you been on your hair journey ?

on and off since 2008. i stopped relaxing in 2010, but haven't been all that diligent about growth. i fake at it for a while, then i fall back into bad habits.

Was your hair damaged when you started your journey ?

it was relaxed. that to me is damage enough for my hair.

How long did it take you to get from where you were length and health wise to where you are now ?

i've been at various stages of health. when i started the real journey in 2010, i was all about it and my hair thrived. now, i can tell it's not as healthy.

What are the hair issues responsible for impeding your growth ?


If you managed to turn your hair round, how did you manage it?

we shall see!
Just bumping on up. Does anyone have low density as well as less than average growing hair? Sometimes looking at all these high density youtubers and pictures has me thinking I wished my hair were more dense. I'm not a jealous person, but I know my hair will never look like other ladies with thick hair.
I do. My blow out is so pathetic. I see these girls on YouTube blow drying their hair for big hair effect... Not for me. My profile picture is a twist out on blow dried hair. My puffs never look like the thick ones from these girls on you tube. I came to accept my hair the way it is, and I work with it. So far so good. I think the longer it gets, the less I am worried about the density. As long as I don't lose more follicles.
I've decided to go natural. I am not retaining much length relaxed and my hair is always split. My hair is fine relaxed, but now I'm questioning, maybe the chemicals made my hair fine. I don't style my hair anyway really and I don't have to have sleek ,bone straight hair all the time. I'm transitioning now. I am tempted to cut it all off right now since I have a a new glueless lace, but I'll wait until I have a good collection before I think about cutting.
I am glad I saw this thread. Another slow grower here. No I do not average 1/2 inch a month like these articles state is normal.

Hair type
4c/4a in the back and sides

Did you ever have long hair as a child?

How long have you been on your hair journey ?
April 2014 will be three years

Was your hair damaged when you started your journey ?
No, I big chopped and started with a TWA that was about 1.5 inches.

How long did it take you to get from where you were length and health wise to where you are now ?
About 3 years. I had to get almost 2 inches cut off due to dry, damaged ends from color and henna

What are the hair issues responsible for impeding your growth ?
None, my hair is growing, it just length retention that I'm focusing on.

If you managed to turn your hair round, how did you manage it?
I protective style most of the time, mainly out of convenience. When I took my last set of twists out I had grown about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in about 3 months which was impressive for me.
I also exercise five days a week, take vitamins, and drink lots of water, not just as a growth aid but as a lifestyle.
Henna will never touch my hair again. I'm also sticking with what works.
Hey I have to share. I just BC'd! I'm mad because like an idiot, I relaxed the I couldn't do to much until it grows out more, but I got rid of all of the relaxed hair on the sides and in the back and cut the front as low as I could. I feel free.
Hey I have to share. I just BC'd! I'm mad because like an idiot, I relaxed the I couldn't do to much until it grows out more, but I got rid of all of the relaxed hair on the sides and in the back and cut the front as low as I could. I feel free.

I did the same thing! I leis not cut all of my front/relaxed hair off because I need to dram my face. Congratulations!
My scalp has been itching like crazy. I hope its the "growth itch". Ive been in cornrows for a week. I wear a wig on the weekends or special occassions. Otherwise I just keep my braids moisturized and I wear hats and scarves. I will redo my braids next month and do a length check
Hey I have to share. I just BC'd! I'm mad because like an idiot, I relaxed the I couldn't do to much until it grows out more, but I got rid of all of the relaxed hair on the sides and in the back and cut the front as low as I could. I feel free.
Congratulations on your BC hope you enjoy your new journey.
Just bumping on up. Does anyone have low density as well as less than average growing hair? Sometimes looking at all these high density youtubers and pictures has me thinking I wished my hair were more dense. I'm not a jealous person, but I know my hair will never look like other ladies with thick hair.

The one youtuber I found who has low density and slow growth is Itssandycheeks. This vid shows her issues.
My situation isn't as bad but I have the combination of her problem.

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Hair type
Whatever type this is


Did you ever have long hair as a child? Yes

How long have you been on your hair journey? 4 years

Was your hair damaged when you started your journey ? No, I started journey because i over away from my stylist and wanted to grow out my bob.

How long did it take you to get from where you were length and health wise to where you are now ? I'm a cutter. I actively started growing my hair again late 2012 from APL and reached BSL twice and MBL since and now working on reaching WL

What are the hair issues responsible for impeding your growth ? I tend to lazy and do the minimum.

If you managed to turn your hair round, how did you manage it? BEcoming more strict with my regimen
I'm in! Like a few of you said, for me its a combination of slow growth plus breakage.


Hair type: 4b/c

Did you ever have long hair as a child? No. Maybe CBL max as a teen

How long have you been on your hair journey ? 2 years in March

Was your hair damaged when you started your journey ? Yes. Color damage. Was also natural for years but never took care of it. Missing edges from wigging it also.

How long did it take you to get from where you were length and health wise to where you are now ? I BC'd summer 2012 to a 2inc TWA. It's NL/SL due to lots of trimming away SSK, Splits, and generally have ultra fine strands.

What are the hair issues responsible for impeding your growth ? FINE HAIR. It breaks with the wind even when the protein/moisture balance is on point. Vitamins and teas internally help but I forget them :nono:

If you managed to turn your hair round, how did you manage it? My edges recovered nicely and quickly by just stopping the wigs. Still working on retaining and growth rate and Ayuvedics has been a big help. Ditching the cheap combs for seamless and I really have to stop the wash and go, but I'm really busy ( about to have 3 jobs and single mom). It's time to consider long term PSing
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I’m another slow grower and get about 4” per year.

Hair type 4a/b (cottony)

Did you ever have long hair as a child? The longest was between neck and shoulder length.

How long have you been on your hair journey? BC’d in October 2011, but started my HHJ in May 2012.

Was your hair damaged when you started your journey? I think so. I can can look at the pictures and even though it was new growth, it looked very ashy and was prone to mid-strand splits, which is something that I’ve always dealt with. I think it’s only been in this last year that I haven’t been paying attention to mid-strand splits or split ends because I haven’t really noticed any. They used to be REALLY obvious.

How long did it take you to get from where you were length and health wise to where you are now? After 2 years I would say that I’m CBL which is the longest my hair has ever been.

What are the hair issues responsible for impeding your growth? Breakage. I still don’t have that as much under control as I would like, though I think that I’ve drastically reduced the level of breakage over the last two years.

If you managed to turn your hair round, how did you manage it? I’ve pretty much always worn my hair in two-strand twists, but I didn’t have a solid regi, the right products/tools, or the proper handling techniques (i.e. finger detangling, patience).
Today im wearing my lace wig in a high ponytail. I love this wig. I think I will get another one in a few months. Hiding my hair for a while makes it seem like my hair is growing faster. Everytime I straighten (every 3 months) its an inch longer. I just hope she doesnt suggest a trim when I straighten in march
I'm in! Like a few of you said, for me its a combination of slow growth plus breakage.


Hair type: 4b/c

Did you ever have long hair as a child? No. Maybe CBL max as a teen

How long have you been on your hair journey ? 2 years in March

Was your hair damaged when you started your journey ? Yes. Color damage. Was also natural for years but never took care of it. Missing edges from wigging it also.

How long did it take you to get from where you were length and health wise to where you are now ? I BC'd summer 2012 to a 2inc TWA. It's NL/SL due to lots of trimming away SSK, Splits, and generally have ultra fine strands.

What are the hair issues responsible for impeding your growth ? FINE HAIR. It breaks with the wind even when the protein/moisture balance is on point. Vitamins and teas internally help but I forget them :nono:

If you managed to turn your hair round, how did you manage it? My edges recovered nicely and quickly by just stopping the wigs. Still working on retaining and growth rate and Ayuvedics has been a big help. Ditching the cheap combs for seamless and I really have to stop the wash and go, but I'm really busy ( about to have 3 jobs and single mom). It's time to consider long term PSing

DarkJoy :hug2:

Have you tried finger detangling? It's easier on my fine strands than even a seamless comb. I only use my Magic Star once a month now in order to do a more thorough detangling...and that is still after finger detangling first.
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Your hair/issues sound just like mine.

I’m another slow grower and get about 4” per year.

Hair type 4a/b (cottony)

Did you ever have long hair as a child? The longest was between neck and shoulder length.

How long have you been on your hair journey? BC’d in October 2011, but started my HHJ in May 2012.

Was your hair damaged when you started your journey? I think so. I can can look at the pictures and even though it was new growth, it looked very ashy and was prone to mid-strand splits, which is something that I’ve always dealt with. I think it’s only been in this last year that I haven’t been paying attention to mid-strand splits or split ends because I haven’t really noticed any. They used to be REALLY obvious.

How long did it take you to get from where you were length and health wise to where you are now? After 2 years I would say that I’m CBL which is the longest my hair has ever been.

What are the hair issues responsible for impeding your growth? Breakage. I still don’t have that as much under control as I would like, though I think that I’ve drastically reduced the level of breakage over the last two years.

If you managed to turn your hair round, how did you manage it? I’ve pretty much always worn my hair in two-strand twists, but I didn’t have a solid regi, the right products/tools, or the proper handling techniques (i.e. finger detangling, patience).
hey @Froreal3! Yea, the seamless comb use depends on the style I'm trying to rock and how long it's been since the last full detangle. Example: For a rollerset, I'll finger detanle first, then run it through with the comb before putting the curlers on. 80% of the time, I rock a twist out or WNG tho. That's good for just finger detangling for maybe half a month before I have to hit it with the comb. My hair is so fine it's impossible to do a thorough finger detangle (and really---I dont have 2 hours to be sitting there pulling apart my hair). Anyway, It starts to mat up around the 2 week mark with WNG or twist outs .
I did the same thing! I leis not cut all of my front/relaxed hair off because I need to dram my face. Congratulations!
Thank you! It's so great to have people in support when IRL even other naturals are giving me the stink face. I couldn't believe that. I thought surely another natural would be happy for me at work, but her response to me BC'ing was "Oh you just got bored with your hair". Yeah, I cut 6-7 inches of hair out of boredom.:blush: :nono: :ohwell:
Thank you! It's so great to have people in support when IRL even other naturals are giving me the stink face. I couldn't believe that. I thought surely another natural would be happy for me at work, but her response to me BC'ing was "Oh you just got bored with your hair". Yeah, I cut 6-7 inches of hair out of boredom.:blush: :nono: :ohwell:

Don't worry, soon you'll have people IRL telling you to relax your hair lol! Do you think maybe she is jealous? Don't let one person ruin your personal hair journey.