Six years relationship


New Member
If someone has been in a relationship for six years and they never introduce you to their parents or invited to family functions,but the ex is always present, and she is not sure she wants to have kids with you and move in. what would you advice this person to do stay in the relationship or break up ?
Shoot, six MONTHS and I haven't met the family... I'm moving on!

I don't understand the second part of the question with the ex and no kids.
Is the person estranged from the family/family in another country/some extenuating reasons why you haven't met anyone in the family for six years?

:look: And why are they talking about having kids before talking about getting married? :look: Umph. Anyhow, including that into the fact that there is no interest in living together/having children (has marriage even been mentioned?????????), and no family contact? Being strung along, strung along.
6 yrs and have not met the family?! thats just odd.

as for the second part are we talking about a man in a relationship with a woman and has never met her family, but his ex is still waiting in the wings pondering a relationship with him?
Six years?


Reality hits some people later than others, granted. But 6 years?

If you haven't met the family in 6 years, you are not going to meet them. Period.
So she never met the parents.

The ex is always around.

He doesn't know if he wants to have kids with you and doesn't want you to move in.

This relationship sounds almost abusive.
If someone has been in a relationship for six years and they never introduce you to their parents or invited to family functions,

You are not in a real relationship.

but the ex is always present,

The ex isn't the ex, the ex is the current.

and she is not sure she wants to have kids with you and move in.

She shouldn't want to move in with you, nor bear your children because this is not a real relationship.

what would you advice this person to do stay in the relationship or break up ?

Bounce immediately.
If someone has been in a relationship for six years and they never introduce you to their parents or invited to family functions,but the ex is always present, and she is not sure she wants to have kids with you and move in. what would you advice this person to do stay in the relationship or break up ?

Is this a joke? Seriously? 6 yrs and you never meet the family mean there is no relationship. If you want more of the same then hang in there, if not than the answer is obvious. But I guess expecting the obvious from someone who has stayed in a "relationship" for six years and has felt unfulfilled by it needs to hear the words "MOVE ON"!!!
If I havent met that family after 6mths Im out the door, 6 yrs is a lot of time to waste on someone who does think your worthy of meeting the family. Could be you havent meet the family for GOOD reason, like maybe he's married. Rambling over..
You should come to the conclusion that you've been played like a board game for 6 whole effin years.

Life is too damn short for this mess.
Shoot, six MONTHS and I haven't met the family... I'm moving on!

I don't understand the second part of the question with the ex and no kids.

She and her ex (white)were in a relationship for 12 yrs bought a house together still paying together for the house.
Now her new friend (black) want to have a normal relationship with her,kids,marriage ,but she is hestitaing (sp).me i just think she is keeping him only for the s.....x.And she never brought him around her parents or family.
6 yrs and have not met the family?! thats just odd.

as for the second part are we talking about a man in a relationship with a woman and has never met her family, but his ex is still waiting in the wings pondering a relationship with him?

It is a man in a relationship with a woman.
Woman ex is still present in her life.
Six years & you haven't met the family? Unless they are estranged, that makes NO sense. I already knew my SO's family but he made sure to restablish my connection from just being his nephew's Godmother to the woman in his life in the first few weeks.

When you're important in a man everyone who is important to them knows exactly who you are.
so who do u want to give the advice to the chick or the dude. i mean u call him a "new friend" but is this the same one that has been hangin around for 6 yrs?? not that new. this is confusing...

She and her ex (white)were in a relationship for 12 yrs bought a house together still paying together for the house.
Now her new friend (black) want to have a normal relationship with her,kids,marriage ,but she is hestitaing (sp).me i just think she is keeping him only for the s.....x.And she never brought him around her parents or family.
She and her ex (white)were in a relationship for 12 yrs bought a house together still paying together for the house.
Now her new friend (black) want to have a normal relationship with her,kids,marriage ,but she is hestitaing (sp).me i just think she is keeping him only for the s.....x.And she never brought him around her parents or family.

Okay, so Woman was married to a white fellow, and Current is black. What color is she?
That could be an easy answer as to why she is dragging her feet about going any further with dude.
so who do u want to give the advice to the chick or the dude. i mean u call him a "new friend" but is this the same one that has been hangin around for 6 yrs?? not that new. this is confusing...

The dude ! has been in this relationship for six yrs .

Um, yeah, I'd suspect her family is racist as all get out, and she knows it. Thus, she doesn't want to introduce her black beau to the family, nor does she want to live with him or have his lil mixed babies who would be a constant reminder of her 'fall' to their grandparents.

Let me guess, she comes over the day after Christmas, the day before Valentine's Day, and often works long hours.

Homeboy is the long standing side-piece.
wait, this is a same sex relationship... this is about to get locked down in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...


This is an interracial relationship.
The man is black and the woman is white. Her ex ( white) is still in the picture. Been seeing each other for 6 years and he hasn't met the family and the ex ( white) is in the pic
I'd keep it moving. DH told me that if we'd been in a relationship for 3 years and weren't at least engaged he'd of broke it off with me.
If someone has been in a relationship for six years and they never introduce you to their parents or invited to family functions,but the ex is always present, and she is not sure she wants to have kids with you and move in. what would you advice this person to do stay in the relationship or break up ?

Wait I just want to make sure I understand...You haven't met the family and have never been to a family function, but is always present. I would think that person was the one on the side. Does she have kids with her ex?