Sit Under the Dryer Often? uRuLax Heat Deflector Shield


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies - I rollerwrapped this weekend as I have been doing lately. I bought this foam shield thingy called uRuLax. Supposedly it deflects the heat from being all on your face and neck, cuts the dryer time, and allows you to hear things outside of the dryer. I must admit I was truly impressed with how well it worked!!!! I did a review on my YT channel and I'm so glad I spent my lil money on it. It definitely is a keeper!!!!! Just in case other rollerwrapping ladies would benefit from a product like this one....I wanted to share.

The shield can be purchased at

If you want to see exactly what it looks like and how it works...check out my demo video or review video.

My dryer is an old tabletop Gold n' Hot and I normally have to sit under it for at least 2 hours if I want my hair to dry completely. I end up sitting under for about 45 min-1 hour and airdrying the its an all night ordeal when I rollerset :nono:. But with this product it dried in 50 minutes!!! I was so excited! :grin:

Oh, and I wasn't given the item, I bought it and this is my real review!
Its a deal if nothing more than to be able to hear while drying and chat on the phone:yep:.....

Thank you for ladies are so helpful and knowledgeable!!
Thanks for the review. It looks really handy and cool. I hate sitting under the dryer and this may help my problems with wet spots.
This product is an absolute must have. I have been using it for quite some time now and I have to admit that I am extremely pleased with it. I used to use a towel to hold the heat in my dryer, but the urulax has eliminated all of those awkward moments. Good thread OP !!!