sisters heres the big newz!!!!


Active Member
this is the 1st time im tellin my LHCF sisters... 'im with child'- happily pregnant
:grin: 20 wks nw!! so excited and v.nervous! (if you didnt know im 23 so its kinda young i know) my SO is a yr older. i love him so much but i dont feel its right for us to rush and get wedd. theres alot of plans we need to sort out.

so heres a few questions... add more if you can lol

have you had a baby with your BF/SO?

how did it change your relationship?

did you consider marrage?

were you living together or apart?

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this is the 1st time im tellin my LHCF sister... 'im with child'- happily pregnant Congratulations sweetie!!:yep:

so heres a few questions... add more if you can lol

have you had a baby with your BF/SO? When I was 21, I had a baby with my SO.

how did it change your relationship? Well the interesting thing is, I found out a month after we broke up! We had been together for 3 years though.

did you concider marrage? and get Heck yea! I was ready to get back together and get married! But, we didn't and it was kinda rough for a while.

were you living together or apart? Had been, but we were living apart during the pregnancy. After I had my son, we tried again, several years later, but it didn't work out. My son is now 13, and his father and I are now both married and very good friends. It has all worked out. Good luck to you and congratulations again!!


off topic: your hair is just gorgeous chica!!
congrats. Your hair is truly beautiful and now with being pregnant you hair is going to grow twice as fast.

Regarding your situation. I take your time with getting married to your SO. If you are truly in love with each other, do it in God's time. If not, be the best parents you can for this beautiful child.
this is the 1st time im tellin my LHCF sisters... 'im with child'- happily pregnant
:grin: 20 wks nw!! so excited and v.nervous! (if you didnt know im 23 so its kinda young i know) my SO is a yr older. i love him so much but i dont feel its right for us to rush and get wedd. theres alot of plans we need to sort out.

so heres a few questions... add more if you can lol

have you had a baby with your BF/SO? yes

how did it change your relationship? everything was better

did you consider marrage? he asked

were you living together or apart? apart


this is the 1st time im tellin my LHCF sisters... 'im with child'- happily pregnant
:grin: 20 wks nw!! so excited and v.nervous! (if you didnt know im 23 so its kinda young i know) my SO is a yr older. i love him so much but i dont feel its right for us to rush and get wedd. theres alot of plans we need to sort out.

so heres a few questions... add more if you can lol

have you had a baby with your BF/SO? yes

how did it change your relationship? the baby took up a lot of time. We argued alot at first

did you consider marrage? we got married three years later

were you living together or apart? we were living together


Congrats on the baby.
thanks! il be asking loads of questions over the next few months- you ladies are so wise:yep:

keep the advice coming..
Congrats to you on the baby I couldn't 20 weeks to spill the beans.

have you had a baby with your BF/SO?--no this is his 1st and my 3rd

how did it change your relationship?--not yet

did you consider marrage?-- we are considering marriage...

were you living together or apart?-- We have been living together for almost 2 years

Congrats and welcome to the club! If you are not ready for marriage, then don't move in together either. You will only end up playing house and it sounds like you guys might not be ready for that. Just be there for each other, because he is going to need you to be there for him too. This is one of the most biggest steps in life you guys are about to take, so be wise and listen to the wise. Best wishes and God Bless!
CONGRATS!!! First baby...what an exciting time for you! I was younger than you when I was preggers with my first. Preg at 20 and delivered when I was 21. I read books and all sorts of literature. And when she came, my mommy instincts kicked in! So do not worry too much.

My husband and I did not plan it. It did change the relationship at first. He is 4 years older than me, but maturity wise, he was 10 years younger than me. :lol: But through it all, we have never regretted it. She is a blessing. She is the best thing that could have happened.

I have learned that our plans are not always part of the divine design. You have been blessed with the privilege, honor, and gift of motherhood. Cherish it. Everything else will work itself out.
thanks SO much for all the replys- its a bug help that i know i can talk to you all:grin:

i had a date with the midwife this week- eveythings going well and i heard my babies beautiful heart beat:yep: im feeling bigger movements now so every days really exciting LOL! im lovin' it.

thanks SO much for all the replys- its a bug help that i know i can talk to you all:grin:

i had a date with the midwife this week- eveythings going well and i heard my babies beautiful heart beat:yep: im feeling bigger movements now so every days really exciting LOL! im lovin' it.


Congratulations! I want a midwife too to deliver my (future) baby.
thanks SO much for all the replys- its a bug help that i know i can talk to you all:grin:

i had a date with the midwife this week- eveythings going well and i heard my babies beautiful heart beat:yep: im feeling bigger movements now so every days really exciting LOL! im lovin' it.


I had a midwife for my first too. She was so gentle and was very experienced. I would have returned to her but I had my second baby in a different state. Isn't it surreal to hear the baby's heartbeat?! I remember it being so fast...sounded like horses running. CONGRATS!